View Full Version : This Isnt Normal!

19-05-10, 10:12
Somethings Not Right! - WITH ME.

Oh, :weep:

I have PMS but i dont think thats the problem, im getting chronic headaches, maybe even a migraine every single day for the last week. I feel out of place and jittery. My head hurts and i keep stumbling everywhere. I feel like im going to collapse everytime i get up. My headache is so bad my head feels like it going to explode! :wacko:

i'm literally held back from everything i usually do.
I'm really worried about my health at the moment, i know for sure this isnt anxiety but im anxious about the pain.

What should i do? :weep:

19-05-10, 10:18
Hi Ruby - you seem sooooo stressed out. I know you won't believe me but your symptoms are classic stress. Why don't you book yourself an appointment with the GP to get some reasurrance. The head pain is classic anxiety. xx

19-05-10, 10:31
Oh Yes,

I am very VERY stressed right now :weep: everything is getting on top of me and i keep having anxiety attacks my vision keeps going fuzzy and my breathing is irregular I'm struggling a lot, i have a doctors appointment but i feel as if they are never any help to me :weep:

I'm starting college VERY SOON. I havnt been to school in over three years and my anxiety hits the roof almost everyday. This is my only chance at life and i have all this pressure and im not ready for this yet! :weep:

I dont know what to do. I'm so so scared!

19-05-10, 10:45
Hi Ruby. You sound like youre in an awful place at the moment.
I would book an appointment with your GP or at least give them a call if youre not well enough to go in there.
Sounds to me like your period + stress is giving you migranes, whcih can really take it out of you. All the symptoms you describe are associated with it.
Make sure you keep your fluids up and try and sit in a dark room to alleviate your headaches.

In regards to college. Take it at your own pace. Give them a call and ask to speak to their student support staff and tell them whats going on. See if you can attend for less than other students without fear of expulsion.
Once youre feeling well enough to go in, just aim to be in class for 1 hour a day.Then if youre feeling ok try and build this up to longer. Dont pressure yourself to stay there for the whole day and make yourself ill over it. Do the best you can, thats all anyone can ask of you.
I really hope you feel better soon
Take care x

19-05-10, 10:49
Thank you for that lovely reply Vixxy, It wanted to make me cry and I'm not sure why, people are having a hard time understanding me at the moment, which is frustrating. I'm just trying to escape but its leaping on me even harder. Maybe i should just take a step back and chill out.. i don't know at this moment. Thank you for you reply though x It helped. x