View Full Version : please help.. I think iv got a bug!! HUGE vomit phobia..

19-05-10, 12:12
hi guys,
Im soo scared right now.. Iv been up all night with the runs. Iv never once felt sick.. but my stomach feels really dodgy-full, sensitive, making strange noises.
Im absolutly terrified iv got some kind of bug and i might be sick! Even if im not sick im still terrified cos im obv ill.. An i cant stand diorrea! Im scared il become dehydrated or worse...
Both my mum an dad r out.. Im on my own an terrified!
I do suffer from ibs bt never like this an i was very anxious all yday... Cud this be the reeason?? I really want to eat bt cant cs then i need to go..
Please help, im going out of my mind.. Can u have the ruuns and be ok? Or will something bad happen?
My stomach feels so weird... Cud this alll be from anxiety??? Xx

19-05-10, 14:31
It sounds like your IBS is playing up because your anxiety has been bad. it's very common, mine does this too and I very rarely get an upset stomach with IBS but when my anxiety is bad I can do. You need to drink plenty of water because being dehydrated can make you feel sick so keep taking big sips every few minutes. Also for the next couple of days eat really bland foods, nothing that can aggravate your bowel. Things like rice, dry toast, jacket potatoes etc, stay away from fatty spicy foods.

I too have emetophobia (vomit phobia) so know exactly how you feel. You need to eat some very small meals though to keep your energy up when you have an upset tummy

19-05-10, 15:24
Thanku Cat.. yeh iv been drinking plenty of water and iv eaten half a sandwich and just had a pear. Its awful.. i hate it! Im kinda telling myself now that if i was going to be sick then i would have been by now considering iv been up all night feeling like this..
My stomach still feels very dodgy, i work with children so might have picked up abit of a bug an its getting it out my system that way rather than the sick way! So in a way, im glad about that!

Its so difficult to diagnose though cos it could also be my IBS.. cos i do remember yesterday, id eaten my lunch feeling very anxious and my stomach all tensed etc, then went straight to cover a music session with kids which id never done before.. so was bouncin around, feeling extreemly anxious, aswell as trying to digest my dinner! and i ate my tea lastnight also tensed up.... so it might be because of that!
Driving me mad though.. this bludy phobia, controls everything! Thanks for your help xx

19-05-10, 16:41
The anxiety is probably making the upset stomach worse. I'm exactly the same when I think I may be sick, I get so scared my stomach just gets really bad and I make myself feel ill when probably I had nothing more than an IBS flare up or ate too much chocolate or something

19-05-10, 17:26
I'm afraid of throwing up, too. I have a panic disorder and I take Ativan 1 mg in the morning and .5 mg at noon. My biggest thing is that I always feel so gaggy - especially in the morning. So, I do gag a lot/dry heave which really terrifies me and can put me in a panic attack. I try to take a walk or distract myself which does help some. In the afternoon and in the evening, it seems to get better. Any ideas on how to help this? I keep asking this question, but no one seems to have any help for it. Of course, when I'm gaggy, I'm afraid to eat, so I have lost a lot of weight.