View Full Version : Painless mouth ulcer

19-05-10, 12:56
Hi there, i'm new to this forum , but so glad I found it as I thought I was the only one who panicked about health worries !!
Just a bit about myself, I am 40 years old , married with a 7 year old son.
Now for my concern !!
I woke up last friday and noticed a small red bump, with a whiteish middle at the back of my mouth (tonsil area) It wasn't painfull, but me being me had to start prodding and poking at it and it turned into what looked like an ulcer , but not painfull . I then proceed to 'Google 'it and have now convinced myself that I have mouth cancer !! I went to my doctor who did little to reassure me, probably because I smoke, he told me not to put bonjela on it as this will mask any serious problems !! So I am now back and forth to the mirror constantly checking it !
Sorry for the ramble , but I am now freaked out with the usual panicky feelings of dread !!
Thanks for listening xxx:weep:

19-05-10, 13:49
I didn't get one of these for a while and today I have a painful painful one right at the back of my mouth one the right hand side, and one on the top of my mouth too. Horrendous.

My dentist says mouth cancer ulcers are 99% of the time on the UNDERSIDE of the tongue.

Are you under any stress at all ?

I notice mines seems to be when I've had Southwest sauce. Sounds mad. But it's true.

19-05-10, 13:52
I do stress alot, but i aleays consider it to be very mild compared to these feelings of anxiety !! The usual money, work stresses.
I was more concerned as i wasn't suffering any pain with it, but it does change in appearance throughout the day, sometimes looking worse, sometimes better !

Kerry B
19-05-10, 19:25
Hiya I am just like you if I find a bump/lump etc I convience myself its Cancer and life threatening and cannor stop checking and have to seek reasurance from a Friend who is a Nurse. Its really scarey In know, but mouth ulcers do come from stress.

20-05-10, 12:50
Well, went to the dentist this morning who did her best to reassure me, if only this would work and you could walk out feeling happy. I know I should, but there is always that big "WHAT IF" that comes forcing it's way to the front of your mind !! I have another appointment with another dentist tomorrow ( made two at the same time for reassurance !!) Do I go or just trust todays advice ? xxxxx

20-05-10, 13:27
Hi There, this sounds the same as what i had a few months ago, red bump with whiteish middle and some other small white spots in the area, not painful at all i completely freaked out at the time didnt sleep until i had seen a doctor, i ended up seeing two, anyway both said it was tonsil tissue infected,never in my life had an issue with my tonsils before,up till then i wasnt really aware of where they were in my throat anyway it cleared up after a couple of weeks, dont poke it! and try not to worry easier said then done i know but im still here and anxiety about a new symptom now:shrug:xxx

20-05-10, 13:55
Although I can see my ulcer is getting smaller, I am convinced that if I look in the mirror it will be massive again !! Surely if it was anything serious it wouldn't go smaller ? Does that make sense ? xxxxxxx

21-05-10, 09:52
I've had it for a week now, but the first 3 days I kept poking at it !! Off to see another dentist this afternoon, just for peace of mind. Just wishing I could stop checking it and thinking, has it got bigger....etc Thanks love you all xxxxxxxxxxx

22-05-10, 01:02
it sounds to me like a tonsil stone x

11-07-11, 09:44
Hi there, i'm new to this forum , but I too am glad I found it. I too have them painless ulcers in my mouth. Could you please tell me about what hapenned to your painless ulcers as I'm really worried .

19-05-12, 04:49
hey i have the same thing ...can you please help what happened then ? I am really worried . Planning to go to a dentist today .

19-05-12, 06:19
Well I have to say it could be allergies or a deficiency in something also. Bad teeth can also cause ulcers. Hope it all works out well for you .:flowers:

19-05-12, 07:53
Hi, I too have a sore under my tongue I'm not sure if I may have bitten it but it was very sore & red with a white pin prick in the middle since Thursday. I have been rinsing with warm salt water for a couple of days it's still there but no longer painful. I noticed this morning that it has turned white & not as red. I must admit I am worried as I have a fear of the big C & strokes at the moment. I'm going to see how it is on Mon hopefully better but if not I will see my dentist. Hope that you all feel better soon :)