View Full Version : What are the common benefits of using Fluoxetine?

19-05-10, 14:30
I have just been put on Fluxoetine. This is my first time I am on Anti Depressants and I wanted to know how this medication makes you feel if it works in the right way. I don't know much about Prozac or how a person becomes like once they are on. I think Im trying to say is How does it make a person feel?

Thanks :)

19-05-10, 15:16
Hello Misty,
Some of it's quite hard to put into words, but I'll have a go. Could probably sum it up by saying it makes me feel more like myself, if that make sense. For me:

No panic attacks (touch wood).
More able to just get on with doing things, rather than just sit around thinking about it.
Better able to get to sleep at night.
Less time worrying about things over and over in my head.
Feel more sociable and not paranoid that people don't like me.
Feel tearful less often and no longer wish I could just die.
Generally more able to cope with life and the difficult stuff that happens.

Any help? Feel free to ask more and good luck, I'm on my second spell of fluoxetine and it's made a big difference, although it did take a wee while to take effect. x

19-05-10, 15:57
Thank you JaneC, your comments were very helpful. I think I am just worried that it might make a person into a 'zombie' where they lose their feelings. I just want to not worry excessively as that is my major problem. I can never seem to relax and constantly on edge.

Thank you again. I am looking forward to seeing the benefits of this medication. :) xx