View Full Version : Light at the end of the tunnel?

19-05-10, 15:24
I've been feeling low for a while, three weeks ago I dipped into deep anxiety and depression and finally got my first good news of the year a new job. I have a 3rd attempt at my driving test to go next week too.

I'm on Diazepam at the moment to calm my nerves because I had panic, derealisation feelings, sleepless nights.

I feel a bit why didnt thus come along sooner? still feel a bit dark going back to the doctors but I'm really happy about today's news. Feel emotional, good and bad up and down.

I guess it may take time once things get better to come out this depressing place? :shrug:..Like after the last few weeks I'm not expecting to instantly feel me again is that a realistic view?

19-05-10, 16:28
Hi Phil06,

Well done getting a job, hopefully its the start of better times.

take care .. andrew

19-05-10, 16:34
great news :hugs:

20-05-10, 13:18
Congratulations Phil thats really good news .:yesyes:Well done for not giving up looking for a job as well ,it can be pretty demoralising when you keep getting knocked back :weep:..You will gradually adapt & feel better ,but try to take things one day at a time for a while You will be fine im sure .Get pleny of sleep and ,remember to relax more when you get home .GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR DRIVING TEST NEXT WEEK ..Luv Sue x:hugs: