View Full Version : had first induction with therapist now feel terriable

19-05-10, 18:09
hi i was wondering if anyone else has had this ive been on ciltropam and feeling great hardly any anxiety and no panic attacks atall, then today had my initall consultation, we talked about everything i cried alot and then started having panic attacks one after another, has this happened to anyone else or does this mean therapy isnt gonna be for me, shes put me forward for group anxiety managment, and therapy, i just want it to help i thought id feel better after today but just feel terriable.

19-05-10, 19:02
Hi. It can happen as youre basically being asked to deal with and face all your fears and problems. Do carry on seeing a therapist because they'll teach you to deal with the problems and they hopefully will allow you to move on from this whole experience.

19-05-10, 19:04
im in the same boat im on week 2 of citlopram and feeling like im gettin the but still dreading the counsilling sessions. im hoping i wont freak out and start sweating like mad.

19-05-10, 19:20
thanks for the replys am starting to calm down now, and i do belive in therapy. i just didnt think it would make the panic worse.