View Full Version : My lips keep swelling up

19-05-10, 20:49
Hi, hoping someone might beable to reassure me, as my title reads my lips keeping swelling up. I get a rash all round my mouth, my gums swell, my eyes sometimes too, I get a rash on my body and sometimes sickness and upset stomach.

I believe its something I have eaten, I have been to the doctors and they are testing me for certain allergies, I am still waiting for the results. The trouble is I cant pinpoint excatly what I can be allergic too. My biggest worry is that it isnt an allergy but something much worse, I know it sounds silly but can you get Lip Cancer ?

I dont see how it can be wheat, or dairy etc as when I eat bread or have milk in coffee I dont get a reaction, so I am struggling to believe this can be the course, the doctor seems very unsure too.

Please can anyone offer advice, I am really starting to panic. Just driving me mad that I cant work out what it is and my mind is starting to make me believe its something that is really really bad.


19-05-10, 21:17
hi there, my lips keep swelling recently and my throat, pallette of mouth always feels swollen and itchy, i think it is hayfever?

19-05-10, 21:20

Thanks for replying, mmm never thought of hayfever, that something else to think about, might see if I can do some research on that or ask my doctor.

Horrible isnt it, specially when its swelling as you start to panic at what else will start swelling.

19-05-10, 21:49
definitely, and i have a really bad phobia of allergies so this is a nightmare for me! the pollen is really bad at the moment and you may have oral allergy syndrome like i do, which means when you eat some raw fruit and veg your body thinks its pollen and reacts to it. i know its really scary but if your en route to some allergy tests thats the best thing for you. i hope you find out and post back when you do!!! take care and just always have the old faithful antihistamines at the ready!!

19-05-10, 21:58
Horrible how a anxiety can make things into something else. As you say hopefully these tests might bring something to light.

I will certainly let you know.

Thanks again for replying x

12-09-10, 20:32
do you thing hayfever can cause swollen lips?