View Full Version : am scared again

minnie h
20-05-10, 07:49
i keep getin this feelin in the top ov my tummy.its like wen uv been underwater holdin ur breath then u cum up n u get that feelin in top ov tum.wel i keep getin that n it makes me stop breathin,i dnt no wot to do am shakin so much! X

minnie h
20-05-10, 08:28
its almost like a tickly/tight feeling.any1 had this or no wot it is.plz : (

minnie h
20-05-10, 11:49
is nobody replying coz it sounds like sumthin really serious :weep:

Rachel W
21-05-10, 01:04
Could you have just pulled a muscle, or if you are anxious could you be tightening your muscles the same way that you would if holding your breath? I am sure that you are fine, but I am not sure what you are describing. Could you explain a little better and then maybe someone will realise that they have experienced it also.

Please try not to worry; I know easier said than done.

Take Care.


minnie h
21-05-10, 10:05
its like a tickly tight feelin,it only last a few seconds,its in the top ov my stomach just below my ribs,in the centre! but it really panics me when it happens n ht makes me feel like am breathless,i dnt no if its an adrenalin rush,indegestion,wind! Coz av had a horrible windy grumblin belly,for just ova 2wks! Iv seen a doctor and a nurse they both had a feel n a gud listen 2 my tummy,they said its just windy/anxiety tummy. X

21-05-10, 13:50
it sounds like the feeling I get when I have too much adrenalin in my system and my diaphragm (which is located just there in your body) is tense. Dont worry there is nothing wrong its just that you ahve become really aware of it now so will notice every little feeling related to it.

21-05-10, 13:53
try to stay calm ,it sounds like your overbreathing try slow deep breaths:)

21-05-10, 14:30
It sounds exactly like an adrenaline release, I get this all the time, it takes my breath away and starts me panicking but it honestly ist anything dangerous.
Thing is it's a catch 22 - the more u notice and panic the more adrenaline will be released the only thing that works for me is a really good distraction xx