View Full Version : nausea.

20-05-10, 12:15
If my nausea is with anxiety how long can it last and can it be continuous? I have felt continually sick for weeks and always feel full. I am worried because nothing usually knocks me off my food.

20-05-10, 12:28
In 'symptoms' on left of this screen - scroll thro till you get to :-
Digestive system/Nausea
thisis taken from that info-
""Often you swallow air leading to feeling very nauseous or having a churny tummy produces gas that needs to be burped up.
You may feel bloated or gaseous, or that there is a lump in your stomach. Sometimes you may feel like you have butterflies in your stomach or that your stomach is tight. Some people refer to it as a 'heavy' stomach. Others experience over acidity or persistent nausea. Sometimes even the thought of eating something will make you nauseous."""
there is a lot more to this and is very interesting to read. I printed it off and carry copy with me (and copies of other info in Symptoms).
I also have bought From chemist Sea Bands - they look like sweat bands - they work on the acupunture spot - and help prevent nausea - just a little button presses into the wrist - i never go anywhere without mine.
Hope this helps
Best wishes

20-05-10, 13:26
When I first started with my health anxiety - I constantly felt sick for ages. It took weeks, if not months for it to go away (hence why I didn't think it was from anxiety - which then fed my anxiety!)

20-05-10, 13:32
I know samantha thats just it because i feel sick constantly and have diarrhoea i cant stop thinking its something serious and not anxiety.Its a vicious circle i keep thinking i have calmed down but i know i havent because i still feel all tense and as if i am holding all my stomach tight and i cant seem to relax it.

20-05-10, 13:37
Hi Zippy - I get diarrohea a lot and I think that I have a little bit of IBS (which flares up from anxiety!)

20-05-10, 13:46
I had my bloods done yesterday and a stool sample sent off.I am also shattered but i cant sleep for more than a few hours and then i wake up feeling sick and cant get back to sleep.

21-05-10, 13:35
Hi Zippy,
Sorry you are feeling so ill, i feel sick alot too and i have found somethings that help me.

Firstly, Ginger. Ginger tea is meant to be great for combatting nausea, they use it in alot of anti sickness remedies.
I havent tried the tea but i do eat & just suck on ginger biscuits when i feel sick. it really helps.
If you have diareah or an unsettled tummy then eating ginger buscuits helps.
sometimes if i just feel sick in my throat then i will just sick on ginger biscuits.

Peppermint is also an anti sickness aid. I've started buying pepper mint chewing gum and sweets to help me. You can also buy pepperint tea.

If im really bad, i put on anti sickness bands, they are for travel sickness but i still give it a go.

You need to try and relax too, when you are feeling like this, just stick on a comforting dvd, read some books or magazines, or do puzzles books because if it is anxiety related it will distract your mind from the panic and you'll feel better.
Theyre also a great distraction even if it isnt anxiety related, because you have something else to focus on other than how ill you feel, and panicking about it will make it feel alot worse too.

Also, have water with you at all times (or a dilute drink), to sip on.
Stay off milk and fizzy pop though because that makes you feel worse.

Atleast your doctor is aware of how you are feeling now though so you're on your way to finding out the problem and making it better.

take care xxx

21-05-10, 13:53
I've felt sick everyday for 3 years now due to anxiety, not a day goes by when I don't feel sick. My Dr said it's one of the most common symptoms of anxiety and even though they can't stop it they can give meds to stop you feeling so queasy. I'm on metoclopramide and it's a lifesaver and really stops you feeling sick

23-05-10, 12:55
hi there, i have felt like this for months now, like there is a lump in my chest, tummy and feel sick more or less all of the time, it is really getting me down and is very uncomfortable, it is the only anxiety symptom i have left, but worried i have something seriously wrong with me :( it is like a fullness/lump in the chest sensation and sometimes burning and feeling sick, not put off my food though, any advice please?? x

23-05-10, 13:41

23-05-10, 14:47
The bests thing for sickness are ginger capsules, can get them for under £4 at Holland and Barrett. Take one about 30 mins before each meal. Also if you like the taste of ginger carry ginger biscuits around with you and eat them dry when feeling queasy.

Peppermint capsules, if you suffer from acid always get Colpermin as these are enteric coated which means they dissolve in the git rather than your throat area so don't give you reflux.

If you are very queasy pepto bismol tablets work great, just suck on one and it will help the nausea (taste terrible though so I can't take them).

The best thing that works for me because I know it's anxiety related is not to focus on it, do something to distract yourself like go for a walk, watch a movie, do some exercise etc. The best thing is not to stress about (hard for me as I have a phobia of being sick) but it really does help to distract yourself

12-09-17, 04:01
I know this is a really old post but I have been continuously nauseous for a couple weeks and it's awful. I keep thinking the worse and need reassurance...not pregnant. 29 yo female