View Full Version : glucose in urine

20-05-10, 12:23
went to dr for ibs and groin pain dr did water sample test no infection but some glucose in urine which has really scared me never had a problem before had full blood count about 5 months ago full pelvic and abdominal ultra sound and chest xray all came back fine have to go back next week for fasting blood test what does it mean could it be a one off "help" thanks xx

20-05-10, 13:12
At worst it's an indication of possible diabetes but it can also be that your kidneys allow glucose through, many peoples (including my own) do this, but it's not an indication of anything awful xx

20-05-10, 13:19
My mum has glucose and protein in her urine every time she has it checked - she has done for years and accepts that this is her makeup and nothing to worry about. I think the fact that bloods and ultra sound has all been done recenbtly is great. xx

20-05-10, 15:14
Toria, I'd bet on your fasting glucose test being fine (especially if you have no symptoms of possibly being diabetic). I've had the fasting test twice after my last two sets of blood tests showed raised glucose and both times it came back normal. x