View Full Version : real bad pain and now fear

04-02-06, 00:18
Hi all, Maybe Meg can help? About 10 days ago I got that pain you get in the shoulder and neck and when you turn around or move your head it hurts. Anyway I didn’t take much notice and after about a week it went. But the past week to 10 days I been getting this terrific pain in my left shoulder and upper arm, It seems to ease a bit when I am in bed. Anyway today Friday It got so bad the pain in my arm and shoulder I phoned the Doctors surgery, They offered me an appointment for Monday so I asked could I phone later to see if there are any cancellations. I phoned about 2 30 this afternoon and she made me appointment for Doctor at 5pm today. The pain was really bad seemed mainly in upper arm. I think the Doctor was a bit puzzled because moving my arm about, stretching and pushing against his hand didn’t make any difference the pain is just constant. I told him I had tried paracetamol and ibrofen but it didn’t do anything for the pain. Anyway he phoned one of the nurses and asked if she could do an ECG right away and told me to go downstairs have the ECG and come back, this really scared me and I started to panic as they usually get you make an appointment for a ECG. Anyway I went back and he said your ESG seems ok and gave me some ointment (Algesal) to rub into the effected area 3 times a day and said come back next week, he then said no, come back next Tuesday afternoon which is only 3 days away? Are the ECG tests reliable at doctors surgery, and do GP know how to read them? I have gone all anxious now thinking about it and wonder why he wants to see me so soon. If it was a heart attack would the pain be there for 10 days? Seems a long time. He also said could be arthritis, but would this be so painful whether I move or not, and does it seem strange the pain gets less on laying and resting. Thanks for reading. Vernon

04-02-06, 00:36
Hey Vernon, Put your mind at rest, GP's can read ECG and if he was in the least bit concerned about an iminent heart attack he would have sent you to hospital by ambulance straight away. He is doubtless aware of your anxiety which s why he said he would see you sooner or it could just be he has some time off or is playing golf next week! Joking apart be reassured by him and me we all know that parts of our body hurt for no apparent reason at times but that does not stop us all thinking the worst possible scenario - believe me I do. Arthritis is more painful when it is loadbearing or straining to support something it is true but my thumbs hurt like crazy for no apparent reason at times. I do not know any of your history but do remember that any sort of stress makes us hold our bodies differently causing pain and aches. I will look in again later in the day (at a more sensible time) and see if I have helped you at all. Floozie

04-02-06, 01:09
Hi Vernon,

The ECG's used by gp's are accurate and gp's are trained to read them. If they need more specialised advice or aren't sure about something they would send it to a cardiologist for their opinion. My gp did that once, even though she thought it was fine.
If a gp thought you were having a heart attack he would have sent you to hospital, if he thought it was heart related he would have also done some blood tests to look at heart enzymes.
I'm not medically trained so can't really comment on what your symptoms might be, but if you gp thought it was that serious he wouldn't even wait until Tuesday I'm sure, he'd have you in hospital.
He may want to see you again Tuesday so that he can try another medication if the Algesal doesn't work.
I know how scary these things can be but try and be reassured by your visit today. I do understand how they scare you, I walked into the surgery once with a really high pulse and chest pain and breathlessness and my gp did the ECG herself right away, that concerned me but all was fine and was just anxiety.
Take care and good luck on Tuesday.


04-02-06, 08:28
Hi Vern, I agree with the others, Im sure the GP will be seeing you again to make sure the treatment is working OK and you arent getting any worse, he will also realise you are anxious and be helping there, try not to worry, easier said than done I know, take care.xxxxxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

04-02-06, 10:28
Hi Vernon

Sorry to hear you're going a bad patch. and this pain you have, seems horrible, you poor thing!
I really hope that it will pass and it's nothing serious!
Take care.


*** Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. ***

04-02-06, 11:59
Hi Vern

Everyone else has already answered this. You are safe as far as the ECG is concerned. The guidelines do say that they should do ECG's on anyone they have any concerns about.

Think you should try some heat on that arm/shoulder and see if you can release the muscles that you may have stretched.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

04-02-06, 12:05
Aww Verny - take Megs advice hun and I hope it eases off real soon.


Piglet :)

04-02-06, 12:33
Thanks all so much, I love you all xx