View Full Version : New to this. Looking for some advice...

Natalie x
20-05-10, 13:33
Hiya! I'm new to this and am a chronic worrier. It all started as G.A.D which has now developed into Health Anxiety. I worry about every single ailment that i have and totally convince myself that something is seriously wrong with me. I have been having pain in my upper abdomen area and around the sides and back for the past couple of days. It hurts sometimes when i move and is more like a dull ache. It is more uncomfortable than anything. I also feel quite sick. I've been to 2 doctors in the past few months who have both said it could be a viral infection or IBS due to worry and stress. I always google everythign which makes me even worse and seek re-assurance from everyone. I'm only 18 and feel like I can;t enjoy myself anymore. Everyday is the same - always worrying about something! Does anyoen else feel like this or have experienced this before? Please post a reply. I'm convinced I've got Pancreatitis!

Thanks x

20-05-10, 15:11
Hi natalie.

I get this, i was told it was my intercostle muscles. Its the muscles in between ur ribs. With anxiety these tense,, usually they wouldnt really go mad but like i say with anxiety they do. If u hold ur hand in a fist n tense it up for ages, it hurts after a while right. imagine ur muscles doing this for hours on end without u really noticing untill it hurts xxx

Natalie x
20-05-10, 16:11
Hi! Thank you for replying. Sometimes all you need is a bit of re-assurance. Any slight pain that I get I automatically think the worst. Like a headache - I always think the worst and think it's a stroke or something terrible! Any tips on how to stop thinking like this?!

Thanks x

20-05-10, 16:40
Honestly hun i dont know, as i still think im going to die lol, just try make light of it thats wot i do. Just laugh about it. the more u occupy urself with other thoughts the less it thinks of bad stuff xxx

21-05-10, 00:58
It is just as Gladys said, occupy your thoughts with happier ones and live in the NOW; the more you fret and worry about your future health (or lack thereof in your mind) the more stress and anxiety you will cause yourself. We cannot control the future and the more "what ifs" we ask ourselves about our health the scarier that picture can become, particularly if you are more of a "glass half empty" person as I am convinced most of us are AND if you surf the darned internet looking for answers (because the 'net is chock full of gloom-n-doom stories).

What you CAN control is your attitude and the happier you can make yourself the better off you will be. CHOOSE to be happy and CHOOSE to change your situation (i.e., go outside, watch a funny movie, read a trashy magazine, etc) when those weird/odd pains hit and understand that we are not machines and unless it is debilitating or chronic it is probably nothing to be overly concerned about.