View Full Version : Slowly Dying I Know It.

20-05-10, 14:08
I have a huge fear, about dying, or collapsing.

Almost two weeks now, ive had a bad headache. And today i have a headache and im shaking. I feel so weak and my body is all 'trembley' my vision is blury too. And i always get headaches this time of day. I cant get out of bed and im panicking, and im scared something bad is going to happen to me. I'm home alone and im really scared, i cant even type probably because my hands wont stop shaking. :weep:

i think i may be bleeding internally.

Im desperate for help.

20-05-10, 14:10
Why do you think your bleeding internally? Try and stay calm.Do you live alone? Have you seen a doctor? xx

20-05-10, 14:13
ruby you are not dying my lovely,all of the symptoms you have described are classic anxiety ,and most of us have experienced them!the worst thing you can do is lay in bed thinking get up and go for a walk and as you do say hello to who you meet and look at the gardens etc pay close attention to things if you cant get out then put some music on an d sing out loud let the world and your inner self know you are not dying its hard but you can manage it love to you julia xx

20-05-10, 14:16
i have pains in the middle of my upper abdomen, which makes it difficult to breathe (bleeding) im trembling, feel weak to get up and i feel ill. Im also on my period which dont help with my anxiety, im home alone. And i havnt seen a doctor? SHOULD I? :weep: And i don't live alone.

20-05-10, 14:19
I dont think your dying at all i think its anxiety even though i dont take my own advice.I to feel awful,nauseas,diarrhoea,stomach pains,fatigue,back pain and i am trying to accept this is anxiety.

20-05-10, 14:20
you still need to get up ruby it will help your period pains laying thinking is mking you worse get a hot water bottle for your tummy that will reduce your trembles it is anxiety and that is causing your breathing do you have a garden you can go out in xxx

20-05-10, 14:21
Sweetie i am the same i constantly think i am dying, we have all been there. If you are worried see your doctor just for reasurance. Sometimes thats all u need xxxx

20-05-10, 14:21
Thanks for replying to me, im sorry you feel like crap too. :weep: im SO SCARED. I think im going to die soon

20-05-10, 14:22
i have a garden, but my headache is so severe when i get up i stumble loads. And i get dizzy.

20-05-10, 14:23
ruby you are not dying try to think back to how many times you have thought this and you are still here xxxxxxxx

20-05-10, 14:25
have you had a drink of water perhaps you are a bit dehydrated aswell that can make you worse especially around your period ,if you dont mind me asking how old are you because i get a lot of your symptoms and a lot is hormonal with my age im 44

20-05-10, 14:26
Oh hunny, I can totally appreciate how you are feeling , but the dizziness, blury vision are classic signs of anxiety, especially as you are so tense right now. Are you eating ? as this will make you weak and dizzy if not. I am finding it hard to eat at the moment, but try and get a least a piece of toast down. Take care and I am 100% sure you are not dying. Is there anyone you can call ? xxxxxxxxx

20-05-10, 14:28
yeah i agree with misspanicky, ur blood sugars sometimes go down so yeah get some food in u and water. x

20-05-10, 14:31
Mothers Out Shopping, I keep thinking of the worse. I think im gonna stop breathing and theres nothing i can do about it because my phone is dead. Im 18 this year.

20-05-10, 14:47

awwww u poor thing :hugs:

i have a big fear of dying and the anxiety certainly makes it feel like its gonna happen sometimes.

iv been getting terrible headaches past 5 days. im sure i dont help myself coz i dont drink enough.

are u drinking enough water?

mandie xx

20-05-10, 15:16
do you think good idea to ring nhs direct just tell them how you feel ,, anxiety can make us feel awful as we panic ,, i hope you feel better soon

20-05-10, 16:09
The period and hormones can do a lot to you. I've had some very weird and scary experiences on my period. The combination of that and anxiety can be dreadful and produce these results.

20-05-10, 17:07
ruby are you on anti-depressants?

20-05-10, 18:27
Hi, I am sure everything will be okay, Its just a combination of things making you feel over sensitised at the moment. As previous posts have said try not to lie in bed all day, as I know from experience this weakens you and causes further anxiety, best get up and concentrate on something, I know that is hard, but take your mind off your body and the symptoms will disappear.

Going home
20-05-10, 18:42
Ruby, reading your other threads about your abusive partner I didn't realise you were so young...18 sometime this year, so you're only 17? You mention your mother here...at 17 you must be still living at home? What does she say about your abusive boyfriend and your physical or mental health? I'm a bit confused about your situation sorry.

Anna xx

20-05-10, 21:44
ruby are you on anti-depressants?

yes i am on anti depressants, i hate them. They make me feel worse. Aparently im on the lowest dose but i dread taking them.

20-05-10, 21:47
Ruby, reading your other threads about your abusive partner I didn't realise you were so young...18 sometime this year, so you're only 17? You mention your mother here...at 17 you must be still living at home? What does she say about your abusive boyfriend and your physical or mental health? I'm a bit confused about your situation sorry.

Anna xx

Everything is a mess for me, My mum has never sorted me out and i dont think she ever will, i dont know what to do or how to contact my doctor or a counciller, it really upsets me because she has no interest. She says im old enough to do things on my own now, .. But she has never been there for me in the first place, she hasnt taught me how to do this and that, i dropped out of school at 15 because my mum's boyfriend abused me and i couldnt take it anymore, with the panic and anxiety, i dont think im ever going to go to college because of my anxiety. Im Stuck.

Going home
20-05-10, 22:44
Ruby, with all the abuse I really think you need to find someone to help you. There are places and people out there to go to for help. You've obviously got a doctor so tell him what you've told us and don't be scared, he won't do anything you don't want him to, anything you tell him will be in confidence and he should be able to put you in touch with someone who can help you. Alot of your physical symptoms are obviously because of your living situation and at 17 there should be people out there to help you. College will still be there so don't worry about that, but you need to get yourself sorted out, you've been through alot of stuff thats obviosly messed with your head and there are people who will help you if you ask. You don't have to be surrounded by abusive people Ruby, you just need to find the strength to go to your doctor and really talk to him. Don't be afraid ok?

Much love
Anna xxx

21-05-10, 11:17
Hi ruby, I have just read your posts from yesterday and I am hoping you are a little better today. I agree with the above post, to contact your doctor, for reassurance and to talk about your anti-depressants. If you have never made an appointment before or are worried about it. Just give them a phone call or call in and explain you havent done this before and give them your details and they will find you on the system, or if you arent registered yet they will do that for you. It is simple and they will be there to help you. Then you can get an appointment.

Also If you contact the samaratins (website at the bottom of this post), they will give you the relevant people to contact about your anxiety, abuse and your worries.
They are there to help, not to judge you and you will have numbers etc to call so you can get yourself sorted on your own, as you feel your mum wont help. From there you will gain confidence to do things on your own which will make you feel better about yourself. Keep in touch.

sarah x