View Full Version : Thankyou

20-05-10, 16:14
Well all my friends and people,,, the time has come for me to move on,,,,so to all of you i have met over the past few months on here i would like to say goodbye and thankyou for your friendship and getting me through some tough times..Many of you i now have on my fb page and i speak to you on the phone anyway so i will always keep in touch with you
No,,before any of you think this is a blip,,,it's not,,,i feel pretty good right now and i'm thinking straight,,,((at last)))) yippee!!! But really the time has come, and i have given it some thought for a while now,,,so this was not a decision made in haste!!!
I wish all of you well and hope the future holds well for you,,,To all my mates in the chatroom take care and look after yourselves,,,and keep laughing,,,that's the best thing!!!
Anyway you lot take care people and take care of each other,,Love you all lots,,,,,,,,,,and will never forget you,,,it's been real,,,,
Best wishes always Wayne,,,redrainbow,,,,

20-05-10, 17:00
Hi Wayne,

Just wanted to wish you luck and thank you for all the help and encouragement you have given to me over the past few months.

You will be missed.

Take care of yourself.

20-05-10, 17:29
hugs wayne hop eyr ok and know were always here for youa nythime huny much love xxxxxxxxx

20-05-10, 17:32
congratulations on your recovery and all the best for the future xx

20-05-10, 17:47
Awww Wayne,

I'll miss you and your amazing, up-lifting humour.

Best wishes for the future, friend,

Lots of love and hugs,

Chrissy x x

20-05-10, 17:49
You will be missed by many Wayne but I do understand your reasons for moving on. Glad you're feeling better and long may it continue!

Sue xxx

Vanilla Sky
20-05-10, 21:08
Good luck for the future Wayne , It's great your feeling good :)
Wish you well
Paige xxx

20-05-10, 21:38
Hi Wayne!
I am so glad that you are feeling better than what you di. I hope you continue to keep feeling better too.
All the best with your recovery.
Hugs to you.:hugs: