View Full Version : Female cancers

20-05-10, 18:31
Hi all,
My last period was 6 days late and absolutely awful. It was so painful and I was maxed out on TYlenol and Ibuprofen, I almost went to the hospital to get something stronger (this was the middle of the night). They were truly the worst cramps I ever had. There was the possibility of miscarriage but I would think being only 6 days late, it would be pretty easy and maybe not even noticeable to pass. That was about 3 weeks ago and in the last week and a half or so, I have been having menstrual cramps. Not nearly as severe as during my last period but definite menstrual cramps going into my back too. The Dr. sent me for blood work- I will get the results today. But then last night, I ended up bleeding after sex and am still bleeding this morning!!
About 6 months ago, I had an ovarian cyst found on the ultrasound. I had a repeat ultrasound a few months later and the cyst was gone, so not a problem. I am so, so worried that this is ovarian cancer, uterine cancer or cervical cancer. I do go for my pap smears on time and I would think/hope the 2 ultrasounds would have picked something up.
I go to the doc today. I am so sick of being scared about EVERYTHING.
PS- I also had pain in my chest and left arm last night which is not new for me though still very scary. I have no risk factors for heart disease other than chronic anxiety :S.

20-05-10, 19:42
Hey, definatly go to your gp regarding the bleeding. There are so so so many reasons some benign why you may bleed. Try not to worry.

As you are going to docs today please let us know how you got on and with your results xxxxx

20-05-10, 22:44
Hi...pelvic inflammatory disease can cause similar symptoms, i went for a check up due to bleeding inbetween period and painful sex, and was diagnosed with this.
Given lots of different antibiotics and that was it!

20-05-10, 22:53
could also be something like i had,,which was a cyst but it wasnt cancerous,,but you are discribe-ing the pain i went through,,which was so bad i lived on pain killers