View Full Version : General Anxiety / Health Anxiety but feeling happier

20-05-10, 19:22

Just felt the need to post ere. I been feeling pretty damn anxious etc lately but today feels like a break through!

Went to see the doc that told me I am physically healthy (though could do with stoppin smoking and loose bita weight) so that was good to hear and makes me feel happier.

Had my first CBT class, which even though it was stuff I already knew today, I think it will help!

Work was also stressing me so I was brave (for me anyway) and sent a letter to my boss explaining how I was feeling - and it seems they were impressed with the way i put my points across. thats also made me feel uplifted - ust getting it off my chest was good!

Have also started going to the gym more and trying to eat healthier!

I hope this lasts and I stay more positive :)

Sorry to go on, I just wanted to share something happier!


20-05-10, 20:12
Good for you!!

20-05-10, 21:49
happy for you, hope it continues :):D

20-05-10, 22:54
thank you both :) i just felt the need to post on here! hope you are both doin well? xx