View Full Version : Anxiety higher certain times of day

20-05-10, 21:02
Ive found that my anxiety is worse generally between mid morning and mid afternoon. I dont know why?
Does anyone else find their levels higher at certain times of day ?

20-05-10, 21:40
Yes as the sun goes down my anxiety goes up, and doesn't go down until the sun starts to come up - I guess the night scares me somehow xx

21-05-10, 00:22
I am with Zee on this one, my feelings of anxiety and depression are worse in the mornings but not as bad or even absent towards nightime.

I believe it is because I am home alone in the mornings with the wife having gone off to her 9-5 and our daughter in school (I work weekends).

I get that "oh my God, what if something happens to me" feeling whenever I take an odd breath or get a funny pain but as others have said, these things have happened before (and will again) and I'm still here!

I think the clue is to look at how much unstructured free time you have - I have a lot! And with that kind of time it is SO easy to focus on the negative feelings, physically and/or mentally.

21-05-10, 00:29
Yes as the sun goes down my anxiety goes up, and doesn't go down until the sun starts to come up - I guess the night scares me somehow xx

Same here :)

21-05-10, 01:37
My worse time is in the morning. I do take 1 mg of Ativan in the morning and .5mg at noon. The afternoon and the evening are my best times - sometimes I almost feel comfortable. But the mornings are awful -

21-05-10, 07:09
Anxiety is the body’s natural response to danger, an automatic alarm that goes off when we feel threatened. Anxiety and panic attack is something that the mind manufactured and affect the body sensation, your mind is trained to react the fight or flight sensation even there is a slight trigger of anxious about something.

jaded jean
21-05-10, 07:44
My worst time is the morning.But learning to occupy myself by distraction.
I feel 'normal' from the afternoon onwards as Dungeonmaster said when the house is empty it is 'what if' when my hubby gets home around 2-3pm its RELAX mode. I do all the normal everyday things.

21-05-10, 08:21
I take a few deep breaths before I get out of bed and face the day..I spend almost 10 hours day on my own so I think maybe thats why around mid morning after ive done the house jobs,etc , I find myself getting more anxious..I do have a problem shaking it off until mid afternoon and then I start to pick up a bit as I know hubby will be home in an hour or so.
Do any of you find that all of this anxiety has affected your eating as well as normal everyday things ?

21-05-10, 09:15
mine is morning when i first wake up ,,other times i am ok wonder why

21-05-10, 12:30
Zee -
It has affected my eating greatly. I have lost 20 pounds. I am on Ativan 1 mg in the morning and .5 around noon. In the afternoon and evening I can eat some now, but I haven't been able to really gain any weight back.

21-05-10, 14:29
Its the same for me jo.. Im really struggling with the eating. I get hungry but start eating and appetite goes but I think its because my mind is anxious . Im just about maintaining weight now but I am going to try the nutrition drinks as they have all the essential vitamins, just until I can get back to normal.

jaded jean
21-05-10, 15:03
Zee .
Initially I lost 2 stones when started on cit. but have put say 1/2 stone back on so I am just watching what I eat also I had a bit of a revulsion of food I started panicking and gagging when the plate was put in front of me. I was forcing it down my throat in the end as I had to eat some thing when taking the cit. cos I would feel even worse,
Its different now tho, when I get my stressy headaches I think thats it blood pressures up got to lose weight !
:D Jean

21-05-10, 17:40
Mornings are the worst for me, most evenings I feel almost good.

21-05-10, 23:36
My anxiety is always worse as it starts 2 get dark. Im not afraid of the dark or anything like that but for some reason it always gets worse around then. Also if Im tired it gets really bad. Which is quite often because Im up until the wee hours trying 2 get rid of the panic attacks. Vicious circle :wacko:

22-05-10, 21:10
Ive noticed that with my anxiety being worse mid morning and mid afternoon that is also the time when Im feeling a bit hungry ( inbetween the meal times), Wonder if thats anyhting to do with the jittery,headachy,feelings I get with it ?

22-05-10, 22:04
I'm usually ok in the morning, unless I have something specific to be anxious about, but it builds during the day and is worst around 10PM. Overnight, if I manage to sleep well, everything tends to relax and I feel better in the morning, only for it to build up again over the course of the day.

Natalie x
23-05-10, 11:09
I tend to feel more at my worst in the afternoon at work generally after lunch at around 2ish. My therapist told me that this is linked to fatigue as I feel more tired at work in the afternoon. Try eating food that releases energy slowly for example wholemeal bread and perhaps a small snack and drink plenty of water as oppose to caffeine. You will see a big difference :) x

24-05-10, 21:56
Ive been monitoring these high anxiety times and took some advice and had a little orange juice or something sweet and it has seemed to help calming it down, so possibly linked to a period of blood sugar running low ??

25-05-10, 11:24
mine creeps in as it turns dusk... i think its because i live alone and feel that if anything were to happen to me, nobody would know.

25-05-10, 12:57
Mine was always worse in the morning. It felt like I was about to go into an exam or job interview - only it happened every day. During the evening, like dj says I would feel almost ok.

25-05-10, 13:08
Mine was always worse in the morning. It felt like I was about to go into an exam or job interview - only it happened every day. During the evening, like dj says I would feel almost ok.

Spot on !! That's exactly how I feel at the moment. It's like every morning I have an interview and get butterflies in the stomach that are overwhelming. As the day goes on, things level out a good deal and night times are okay.

25-05-10, 15:59
Yep, that anxiety is a strange beast. :)