View Full Version : please advise

21-05-10, 02:30
:weep:i havent had an atack for over a yr now and tonight i am still up at stupid o clock and panicking like amd well i think its panic i feel that if i go to sleep i cant breath trapped wind in chest and breathing i am monitiring like mad fell asleep for a while then woke up with a jump i have been very stressed and really dont want to be here and feel used and abused and very unloved what do i do my 14yr old special needs son keeps getting sent home as they cannot control him they r a special needs school makes me laugh i aint trained but got ot deal with it and have for 7yrs now on my owna dn with no support grrrrrr so going tears again and attack thank you for reading

21-05-10, 03:22
Hi, I have felt this at times as well, but usually if you can get to fall asleep it should go away. Don't know what to say about your son but maybe you should try to speak to someone who can help him and that way you can get some more relaxing time to yourself.