View Full Version : Sore Armpit

21-05-10, 13:21

I have been suffering for HA for years now and have finally been to see my doctor who is really understanding and I am waiting to see a counsellor and I am going to try hypnotheraphy too.

I see my doctor every 2 weeks to talk about my anxiety and any health problems, as I say she is great.

For a few days now I have had a really sore armpit. It is swollen and tender to touch. No lump though.

I am due to see my doctor next Wednesday for my routine visit but went this morning about the sore armpit. She had a good feel around and said she couldn't find anything and that she thinks it is muscular. She then said she'd have another feel on Wednesday when I come in again. I wasn't going to bother with appointment on Wednesday as I'd been today, so now I am worried that she still wants me to come in on Wednesday.

I told her that I have a family celebration this weekend and that I came to see her today as I didn't want to worry all weekend. So now in my HA Mind I think she has found something but doesn't want me to worry all weekend, which was why she said there is nothing and wants me back on Wednesday!!

I feel worse than ever and wish I'd never been!

I am sure other HA sufferers can relate to this tale and you don't think I am a complete nutcase!!

Doctors wouldn't tell a white lie to stop you worrying would they?

I will certainly let you know how I get on and if the hypnosis works which I am starting next week.

Thanks for reading.


21-05-10, 18:18
Has anyone else had sore armpits? :weep:

21-05-10, 18:34
Are you using a deodorant or antiperspirant that you could be allergic to?

21-05-10, 19:06
Hi there, i ALWAYS get a sore armpit when i am a bit overtired, run down etc. you have glands in your armpit, so like when your neck glands can be up if you are getting a cold this can be the same.

logically thinking, what could be wrong in your armpit - to my knowledge no one has ever had cancer of the armpit. DON'T google that ;). i know its scary if you havent experienced it before but i guarentee it's cos you're a bit run down/stressed/overtired etc.

Take care

30-11-10, 21:00
I have just started CIT 4 days in and really have dull ache in armpits and groin and generally feel yuk.

Is this common?


01-12-10, 15:38
It might be your glands coming up Phil. The ones in my groin, neck and armpits pop up when Im really run down with my anxiety. Just try to take it easy.

03-01-12, 22:43
I just want to let you know I am on cit and have been for 3 weeks now my anxiety always brings on sore armpits because I check for lumps all the time prodding them makes it sore. I know this but I still do it as I'm sure you are so please TRY not to worry you are not alone xxx

03-01-12, 23:15
If you are a woman and wear underwire bras, it might be that the wire is poking you under your arm and making you sore. No kidding--my mom's friend once had pains under her arm and was panicking because she was convinced she was having a heart attack, but it was just the wire from an ill fitting bra!

04-01-12, 14:50
do you shave your armpits/use deo. maybe thats it?

04-01-12, 16:47
I used to get sore armpits when I used Deodorants containing alcohol-no recurrence since I started using alcohol free deodorant
Hope you find the answer
Best Wishes

04-01-12, 18:51
Both my armpits have been sore for weeks , i think its just how i,ve been lying in bed .