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View Full Version : Acid reflux, funny feeling after eating?

21-05-10, 18:01
I've been ages without having a HA freak out :mad:

But the past few days I've noticed I get a funny feeling after eating, in the base of my throat/top of my chest area, kind of like pressure, like I need to burp but can't. It goes away as my food digests, it's not painful but it's really uncomfortable, more so now I've noticed it. I've had acid reflux for a while, but I'm not taking anything for it at the moment. Could it be related? It's too close to the heart/chest area for me to feel comfortable about it, even if I'm pretty sure it's digestive system related. Anyone got any ideas?

21-05-10, 18:35
Just to add, lying down/slouching after eating makes it worse. Sitting upright makes it better.

Also have a slight cough.

21-05-10, 19:07
Sounds similar to us with palps.... a vagus nerve thing, especially if slouching makes it worse. I have heard that it makes people cough

21-05-10, 19:18
Eeek now that sounds scary! I remember from A-level biology that the vagus nerve is something to do with the heart. Not exactly what it does though. Tad scary. I know what you mean about the base-of the throat sensation with palps though. This feels different, almost like something, a bubble or something is inside my oesophagus. I'd like to continue assuming it's digestive system related, as that's much easier to deal with than heart related, I think I might try and see the doc if it's still happening by monday.

21-05-10, 22:39
Well, whatever it is has turned into a raging sore throat, so I'm inclined to blame the stomach acid. Maybe time to ask the doc for omnaprazole again.

21-05-10, 23:41

i have been having similar problems ihave been having sensation in throat in the adenoid area, i get indegestion alot too, m doctor has prescribed me omeprazole but im scared ill get side effects have you had any problems with taking meds

22-05-10, 00:10
I'm not on anything at the moment, but I've had omnaprozole before, and it made me feel sick for a few days before I got used to it. It's great for heartburn though.

22-05-10, 00:55
just out of curiosity, does it feel like someone is pressing on your windpipe for a second at a time. like a bubble of air is there. feels like holding your breath but only momentarily?

22-05-10, 19:41
just out of curiosity, does it feel like someone is pressing on your windpipe for a second at a time. like a bubble of air is there. feels like holding your breath but only momentarily?

Kind of, yeah, also kind of like the feeling you get when you swallow a tablet dry and it lodges in the base of your throat.

Why do you ask?

23-05-10, 12:47
Hi guys, i have been experiencing this sensation for a few months now, after experiencing severe anxiety at xmas time. i had the palpatations, racing heart, OCD and now i have been left with this feeling of fullness in the throat and chest and sometimes tummy. sometimes i am also aware of my own heartbeat. i mainly have this symptom all of the time, but i think it is a little worse after i have eaten, but still get really worried about what it is, as it is there all of the time!! it really gets me down, as worried it is something serious :( it feels like an uncomfortable pressure in my chest.
i have been taking lanazaprole for a few weeks now and i havnt really noticed any change, any advice would be really appreciated as doctor says it is physcosomatic and anxiety, but why wont it go away??

23-05-10, 12:48
I'm getting very similar symptoms!!! Not exactly the same, but pretty close. I constantly have a tickling in my throat deep to the top of my sternum. I was getting FREAKED out that this was the ultimate sign of heart disease since it manifests itself as tightness in my chest with coughing and occasional palps, and mild asthma-like symptoms.

I feel very relieved though, I finally figured out it's most likely Laryngopharyngeal reflux and/or a vagus nerve thing, which can easily be brought on by, you guessed it, stress and anxiety.

23-05-10, 12:57
Read this!... tell me if this is close to what you're experiencing


23-05-10, 14:25
Yeah, that's pretty much it, word for word. I'm no longer so worried, although I think I need to ask my doctor for some more omnaprozole/lanzaprozole. Rationally, I know that every weird physical thing I feel is my anxiety, I know it is. Sometimes it's difficult to work out which of the symptoms are real and caused by the anxiety, and which symptoms exist purely in my head.

I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, I always get extra anxiety prone this time of year, damn academia, damn exams!

Good luck everyone else with the same symptoms, we'll all be ok.

25-05-10, 16:39
Just an update, whatever this is/was is completely gone. :)

02-02-17, 01:07
I have myself been feeling this but not in the chest or near my heart just in the back of my throat and I have a very active imagination so I just keep thinking the worst of it which is scaring me to pieces and I hope someone can tell me what is wrong so I stop worrying

29-04-17, 11:49
I get something very similar to this. Have you tried liquorice root tea? It helps take away some of the "funny feelings" in your throat and has been proven to help digestion :)