View Full Version : Update On Joint pains

21-05-10, 19:08
Saw gp today over joint pains hoping that she would refer me to another rheumatologist - instead she is going to put in a complaint about the first dr i saw and said that i might have ankolysing spondalistis (spelt wrong)..
Every time i have seen her i have mention my back being very stiff in the mornings and now suddenly she has picked up on this!!
Have had a blood test to see whether i have this.
I just don't know anymore and am hoping she is wrong.
I mentioned fibromyalgia and she said that people are diagnosed with this when drs can't find out whats wrong- i know from this forum that that is not the case and that it does exist and causes very real symptons.
Now fretting big time over new blood test..
Please advise..

22-05-10, 06:52
can anyone advise - thanks

22-05-10, 16:31
I too have been having joint pain. Without know your symptoms I can tell you that many people on this site have responded to my posts about joint pain and told me that they get it too. I have a very stiff back and neck frequently in the morning. I also get sore elbow, hands, shoulders, knees and feet. Mine kind of migrates around the body but really hurts and is always somewhere. I feel for you and wish I had an answer for both of us. Take care and good luck.

23-05-10, 09:25
Sorry to keep posting!
Back and hips are very stiff today - really worried about blood test result, should hopefully know by Friday.
maybe i have got ankoloysing spondalitis or fibroymyalgia - i just dont know and the drs don't either!
Im always so stressed and scared..

23-05-10, 10:13
Hi Pb ,

I have probs with my back which causes me referred pain in my hip .....i know its not quite the same as yourself but i was diagnosed with arthritis through mri scan as at my worst couldnt walk although they never said what kindit was ...the blood test will be to check your levels again for things like rheumatoid, funnily enough my back is really bad in the morning and takes me a while to get going and had a bad bout with my ribs there which was put down to muscular skeletal pain although my blood test did show inflammation but when done again it was okay. So try not to worry its possible it could be a form of arthritis as not all shows up on blood tests, have you ever had an mri ......it is a nightmare cause it can take a while to get right diagnosis x

24-05-10, 08:30
Sorry to keep posting ,but it does help.
Woke this morning with really stiff back again , joints have been bad over the weekend.
Should get blood test result re:ankolysing spondalits this week , but very scared.
At the back of my mind i keep thinking i might have fibromyalgia but gp dismissed this.
My last referral to rheumatologist was pointless - no tests.
I have seen a rheumatologist twicebefore his , once
when i was about 30 and then again when i was about 40.- surely they would of tested for ank spo.
I dont want to be in pain all the time..

sarah jayne
24-05-10, 09:20
Hi i understand what you are going through, its awful being in pain all the time. I got diagnosed 2 weeks ago with fibro and although i believe that ive got it as ive got all the symptoms i also believe that ive got something else going on aswell as ive got symptoms that it cant cause like my swollen ankle that ive had for 7 months. Me and my husband have decided that we are going to pay for me to go private, we cant really afford it but its something i need to do as i cant live my life like this anymore. Good luck for your blood test results.
Sarah x

26-05-10, 17:44
Sorry to keep posting - joints esprcially back and hips hurting.
I just don't know what to do anymore- when will this end..

26-05-10, 17:52
Hi pb. Are you a runner? I often get terrible achey hips, especially after sleeping. I run a few times a week and this was an injusy I picked up from that - lasted for months. Also, my back aches a lot. I think when you are stressed you tense yourself without knowing and this causes terrible joint pain.