View Full Version : too scared for an e.c.g

21-05-10, 22:07
Hi ive been docs and he wants me to go to have a e.c.g ? Ive had high blood pressure for a few months but i said no, im just too scared.....anyone else had one ?

21-05-10, 22:11
Why don't you want one?

I have had loads of them and it is not that scarey and better to know now if there is a problem surely?

21-05-10, 22:15
im scared of what they will find ? also i dot really know what it is..

21-05-10, 22:23
All that happens is they put a few wires ion u for literally 10 to 15 seconds. It's such standard procedure I've had 5 lol have it done it's nothing to worry about x x

21-05-10, 22:24
Hi jessy I've had a few ecg's, you should really go and have it done, it's a very simple process and you don't feel a thing, all that happens is you lie down and pads are placed at certain points round your chest and ankles, and the machine records your heart but you don't feel anything at all. If they do find anything it's better to get treated, but if they don't then you have the reassurance that your heart is fine.
Good luck and do try to go, honestly nothing to worry about having it done.

21-05-10, 22:24
Also it just checks ur heartbeat by the electrical signals x x

21-05-10, 22:28
Hi jessy I've had a few ecg's, you should really go and have it done, it's a very simple process and you don't feel a thing, all that happens is you lie down and pads are placed at certain points round your chest and ankles, and the machine records your heart but you don't feel anything at all. If they do find anything it's better to get treated, but if they don't then you have the reassurance that your heart is fine.
Good luck and do try to go, honestly nothing to worry about having it done.

21-05-10, 22:33
ive had loadsssssss, they r really good, just little stickers on ya chest, which they attach a couple of cables to! then the machine takes literally 30 seconds! Easy peasy! and it would be better for you having one, coz it will only make u worry like mad if u dont! ul always have the fear of the 'unknown' if u dont have one! tke cre x and go for it!!!!!!!

21-05-10, 22:34
Thanks but what will happen to the test if you are panicking, i know i will be a bag of nerves?

21-05-10, 22:37
They make sure ur calm but even so they will still b able to tel diff between panicked heart beat or a poorly one x x x

21-05-10, 22:50
Have a read of the posts in this forum...


21-05-10, 23:43
I have them all the time as I have a few heart problems, panicking won't affect it as it's not looking at pulse rate it's looking at the electrical mapping of your heart, checking for arrythmia's, it's painless and very quick.
Get it done or you will worry for ever xx