View Full Version : Lumpy painful breasts

21-05-10, 22:46
Just wondered if anyone has suffered from lumpy painful breasts? My breast feel very sore and lumpy, especially my left breast. I can't feel a specific 'lump' it's just the whole top section of my breasts that are painful. I have been lifting a few heavy boxes at work, maybe I've pulled a muscle or something...any ideas guys? Thanks x

21-05-10, 22:57
Breasts in general are quite 'lumpy' they're full of all sorts of stuff. Mine usually feel a bit sore after lugging stuff around, and could it be anything to do with your cycle?

21-05-10, 23:12
Any chance you may be pregnant? x

22-05-10, 00:59
it may be mastitis. ive had it since i was a kid. it can get worse nearer your period and if you dont wear a support bra. it feels a bit like an achy bruise and is very lumpy, but not hard lumps, just fatty lumps. makes your nipples super tender. look into it, it may just be that.

22-05-10, 11:28
I've got very lumpy boobs I had them checked n they were fine the doctor said it's fatty deposits and like said above breasts are generally lumpy. Don't worry it's quite normal x x

22-05-10, 13:49
Ive suffered from this a lot just now and like you can find no specific lumps......but they are very sore just now , almost like your pregnant which i cant be cause hubby was "fixed " a while ago now. Im sure it is just down to our hormones but any pain always makes me go into overdrive, also when i was checking i noticed that my right breast is slightly lower than left is this normal or should they both be exactly the same ? What are we like worrying all the time x

22-05-10, 17:22
Thanks for the replies guys. Well I'm definitely not preganant so it can't be that. I'm sure it's because I pulled something or it's hormonal, but you know that niggling vpoice called Health Anxiety that whispers in your ear? Well sometimes I start to listen to it! I'm going to wait until after my next period (approx 2 weeks) and if it still isn't right I'll go see my doctor.

KityKat - Breasts are all different in shapes and sizes and can be lower than each other. Both mine are definitely lower than they were 10 years ago! :winks:

22-05-10, 20:03
Yeah my right is noticably lower than my left. It's quite normal as odd as it mite look lol x

13-06-10, 07:46
Just wondered if anyone has suffered from lumpy painful breasts? My breast feel very sore and lumpy, especially my left breast. I can't feel a specific 'lump' it's just the whole top section of my breasts that are painful. I have been lifting a few heavy boxes at work, maybe I've pulled a muscle or something...any ideas guys? Thanks x

I think that your bra might tight. You should try to loosen your bra so that it will not lumpy painful next time. :yesyes: