View Full Version : please help me iv had enough :(

21-05-10, 23:00
Hi im natalie 22 im new to this site, well i posted a long time ago and now iv had enough....

this will be long so sorry in advance but its taking over my life.
i have had a phobia of been sick for a while now, i dont no why it started or what im scared of but its ruling my life. im scared of everything to do with sick, me been sick, others been sick, feeling sick, someone else feeling sick bla bla bla
its affecting me so much, i dont go places in case im sick, i dont eat alot incase im sick, im wanting to go on hol next year but darent incase im sick on the plane or someone else is and i cant get away, i dont drik hardly incase it makes me sick, i relate EVERYTHING to been sick. i feel sick which make me have panic attacks which make me feel more sick so i panic more. i think about it all the time and i feel i feel sick all the time, i probably dont but....
if someone feels sick and tells me, i have to leave, i cant be near them incase i catch something, if someones sick i wnt see them for a week to make sure i dont get anything. im someone is sick in my house i cant go near tht place for ages- even the loo! if i have the runs/or someone else, i immediatly think im guna be sick/they will be.
my partner came tnite and was supposed to be staying but he said he felt sick, he went home and was supposed to be coming bk but i told him not too, he was sick wen he got home but now i wnt be able to be near him incase we catch something, i have to clean everywhere with disinfectant, i was my hands constantly and take hand gel everywhere.
now hes been sick, im paranoid we will catch it, so im not guna sleep tnite as will be up all nite panicking, he is a great help with me when im like this but hes not here now so wt will i do
prob sounds stupid but its really taking over everything and its getting me so dwn.
i went to see someone after my son was born as i couldnt cope anymore, it cost £60 a session which were weekly and it helped me loads, but after a few sessions i started to feel uncomfortable, he told me this would happen as it ment we were getting to the reason of why i felt like this, but i couldnt go anymore and wasted a huge amount of money and back to square one.

it is affecting my life far too much, i could go on forever about what its doing to me and how its affecting me, i moved house once because i was such a mess

i dont no what to do now or where to turn, iv tried counselling it didnt help, the therapy helped me but then got too much, please someone tell me this is going to end, im 22 and have a gorgeous son and i have so much to live for but i cant do it anymore