View Full Version : Please Help!!

21-05-10, 23:08
I have health anxiety I can have about 50 different illnesses in 1 week. Obviously not really but in my head, its uncontrolable. The 2 main 1s that get me on a daily basis are Im having a brain hemhorrage or my hearts just going 2 give in. This is everday I think I might have a phobia. I cant go on like this, as I write Im trying to convince myself Im not having a hemhorrage the fear is overwhelming. I feel sick to my stomach, dizzy and have a raging sore head. I took a funny turn today i say funny turn it was as if the ground was moving below me if that makes sense? Since then Ive been wrestling with panic :weep: I just cant take anymore. is it just me who has these thoughts?


21-05-10, 23:15
No sweetie I'm the same with my heart ur no where near the only one who feels this way x x x x

21-05-10, 23:27
Thanks :) how do you cope? I am petrified that Im going to die :weep: I cant bear 2 be alone incase something happens and theres no1 2 call 4 help. Everday is such a struggle. My doctor isnt really much help and my partner just doesnt understand the situation at all. He always says every1s going 2 die n theres nothing we can do abt it we just dont know when, and not to worry cause I wont even know its happened. I know this is true but I think thats half my problem the not knowing. I have 2 young girls and I cant imagine not being here 4 them Im also so over protective of them. Every little symptom either me or my girls Im straight 2 the doc. I dont know how or why all this started all I know is its ruining my life :weep: I just want 2 be me again before all this reared its head.

22-05-10, 00:06
08088 080 545 this is the number of a charity that helped me an awful lot. It's open from 10 am to 10 pm I found them really good they are called no panic. Also I just cope by trying to busy myself you have children so try to concentrate on your life with them. Ur r ok if ur dr isn't much help I suggest seeing another x x

22-05-10, 00:17
I will give them a ring tomorrow :) Thanks again. x x

Sarah Louise
22-05-10, 01:12

just thought i would add to this hope you dont mind.

I am very much the same i hate being alone because i am convinced something is going to happen to me whilst i am off work (im on maternity with my new daughter).

In 4 months i have had a brain tumor, cancer of everywhere, MS u name it and this week i hit the all time low the clouds turned black and there is no blue sky anywhere! I am taking Citalopram an anti depressant to help panic and depression because this is how the anxiety has made me. I have been trying to fight it for 3 years and think my body has just given up! I am also starting CBT therapy which is something you should apply for if your doctors are not helping find one thats is because you should not be suffering like this!

Also My partner never understood so i wrote him a letter to which he had to read and he had to take it in and its was the best thing i ever did. He still struggles but there is a good site on the NHS website for partners who struggle to understand whats happening. Have you read up on health anxiety?