View Full Version : lung?

22-05-10, 11:32
I am really scared.I feel awful and i wake up every morning about 3 o clock sweating and i cant get back to sleep because i feel ill and like i have to keep moving my legs. I am exhausted through the day and i have an ache in my left shoulder blade/shoulder and under my arm.I have diarrhoea and nausea and i keep feeling i cant breath properly.I have just had my bloods done on tuesday and all were fine.I cant get out of my head i have lung cancer,i had a chest x ray last year but i didnt have these symptoms then.I am sick of feeling this way and all my family keep saying there is nothing wrong with me and its anxiety and depression but i just keep thinking they dont know and the docs have missed something.

22-05-10, 17:39
no advice?

22-05-10, 18:40
Zippy, have a look at my previous posts and you will see that I have been through the same as you. When I'm stressed/anxious I get very bad stomach issues (IBS and Acis Reflux) and this give me pain in my left shoulder blade/shoulder. When I am relaxed, then the symptoms go away; I too like you thought it was lung cancer or pancreatic cancer blah, blah, blah... You need to find a way to get out of the vicious circle, did you say that you were having CBT? Have you any hobbies that you can lose yourself in? As always, message me if you need to chat...

24-05-10, 09:43
Zippy, I currently have the same issue but it`s on my right shoulder blade and shoulder and have been thinking the same as you. I am actually getting pain at the lower back and ankles too and have been worried I have some terminal condition that has spread to the bones. Like you, I waking very sweaty and I keep getting very clamy. I have had a colonoscopy which showed a bowel in spasm and a ultrasound that showed my bladder was in spasm. The professor mentioned IBS to me, so to read the other posts that you can get back pain with IBS is interesting. My bladder and back started playing up badly last night in a restuarant. My only saving grace - I hope, is that I walked for about 20 minutes this morning from the station to work this morning, so if it was very bad I probably wouldnt be capable of doing that walk.

24-05-10, 14:15
mighty pc i am getting pain in my lower back to just above my bottom. I am going for cbt today and then to see the doctor again because i am not well at all, i have no energy and a pain in my back which isnt going away. I am sick of it all.

24-05-10, 17:03
Totally understand where you are coming from zippy, I am actually starting to feel sick now and my back is really sore.

24-05-10, 19:15
I have been to the doctors and he explained all my bloods are fine and if there was anything sinister going on it would show up in my bloods. Because i have had loose bowels for 3-4 weeks he is sending me for an endoscopy and because of my pain in my back he is sending me for a chest x ray.He stressed that he didnt think there was anything wrong but just for peace of mind.I told him i feel like i cant get a proper breath so he put the thing on my finger to measuse oxygen levels and it was fine.
I am going to have to trust him and try and relax.

25-05-10, 11:09
Yeah try and relax Zippy. Had bloods done in feb all clear. Convinced the nurse to re-do them some weeks back and sometthing showed up - inflamation I think, though a week later I had a nasty cold. I was asked to have the tests re-done 2 weeks later but have not gone back as too worried what they may find. My hope is the inflamation was down to the bug inside me or the fact that my gums are inflamed and that I need deep peridontal cleanse, though I am not sure. If your bloods are okay I am sure all is fine.

I keep thinking that my lungs maybe knackered though I do not have a cough, just my back is constantly aching and I feel quite rough with it. I have looked up the nasty things to do with lungs and is says that at under 40 (im 39) cancer is uncommon - though I know not impossible.