View Full Version : weird chatting in head am i am going mad, can't cope anymore!

22-05-10, 12:58
feel so low today as i woke up with my head feeling like it was going to explode with just general chitter chatter in my head, conversions with people i know and don't know, it always seems to be when i wake!

this first started in decemeber wheni had swine flu with a racing mind in the morning and ever since i am convinced there is something wrong with me that i am either crazy or leading myself down the road to be crazy :weep:

i have been paying to see a counceler as i had a big blip on holiday in a bubble, couldn't look at anyone etc so the docs decided to reduce my medication from 20mg cipralex down to 5mg in 5 weeks, i thought i was getting better but this week has been real bad as i have been on 5mg for 8 days, the servere panic attacks and fainting has stopped but i'm still left with this dread and chatter in the morning etc (also vivid dreams)

do i need to be mediation free as i was ok until swine flu? or a new medication? to top it off i was only put on cipralex over the years due to anxiousness as i have bad stomach problems acid etc and have had a couple of ops. this has also flared up where i am so low! i have lost 1/2 stone in a week and feel like i have no personality, don't know how long my work will put up with me not being there but the thought of doing anything scares me.

i'm tes by the way x

22-05-10, 13:11
Hi tinkytink

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-05-10, 14:38
can i just add this chitter chatter happens when i am in sleep mode and not quite awake properly, i don't get it in the day! or night time and i don't get it everyday. i am worried now noone has replied cos they think i am going mad!

Going home
22-05-10, 19:50
H there Tinky, well as far as the meds are concerned only your doctor can advise about these really, we can only share how they make us feel with each other. As for the voices you hear when you wake up, have you not asked your therapist what this could be? Could be just an overactive mind. People can experience lots of strange things just before drifting off or just before they're fully awake.

Anna xx

22-05-10, 20:12
hey google hypnagogia (think that spelt right!) i used to get this when i went through a period of significant stress and anxiety, i was also taking citalopram at the time so could heve been a side effect. If you dont want to google then PM me and i will send you some info xx

24-05-10, 20:36
thanks for the re assurance guys x

24-05-10, 21:15
Yes tinky google hypogogia! I have been hypnogogic since I was a child althought it has worn off a a lot now.

You are not mad hun, its just a sleep issue where you can hear and see things that are not really there in the first stages of sleep either as you wake or as you fall asleep. Its like the brain just gets a bit mixed up between dreams and wakefulness and its perfectly normal and more common than you would realise.

Have a read up on it and see if you can relate to this. I was told by my pyschaitrist about it when I was a teenager and I really thought I was mad up until then, but when she explained about it I was no longer afraid.
And you know what it reduced as soon as I realised what it was! Now if I get an episode It doesnt bother me I just think oh its that damn hynogogia again!
Good luck hun