View Full Version : Mole

22-05-10, 16:10
Hi all, abit new to this! Something similar might have been posted before, I don't have time at the moment to look but I'm getting myself in a complete tizz about it!
I've had a darker mole on the back of my right thigh for as long as I can remember, never paid too much attention to it but recently I've noticed a pinkish ring around it. It's not got any bigger in the past month, or changed colour or anything like that but I'm worried it might be something serious? :huh:

Going home
22-05-10, 23:01
Hi Lizzie, well with moles its always best to get them checked out, especially if you notice some changes. I'm sure its nothing so try not to worry too much. I have one or two moles and have had one one the inside of my thigh for many years and it has also itched off and on for many years too but has never developed into anything sinister, but its always best to get them checked out if you're worried.

Anna xx

23-05-10, 00:51
I have posted on here about how worried I was way back at the beginning of this year about a strange black mark I had under my toenail,I stupidly googled it and hey presto it came up with Melanoma,after reading that I freaked.Anyway to cut a long story short I went to hospital after being referred by my gp who thought it might have been something sinister and they cut my toenail open and removed it,luckily it was only rogue cells and I am completely fine but I wouldn't like to think I ignored it without seeking help as if it had been anything else I would have been in deep trouble.I strongly advise anybody to get any moles or marks checked out to put your mind at rest.I don't want to scare you and I am only giving you sound advice but you will only worry and where's the sense in that when you can get a straight answer very quickly.I am sure it will be nothing but do please pop along to the gp.

26-05-10, 20:45
Okay okay, so I've been googling yet again which I know I shouldn't but I'm going slightly mad and I won't be able to get to the doctors until Monday at the earliest :weep:
But, I managed to find that normal moles can have 2 colours? Has anyone else had this? I've been watching it for almost a month now, measuring it and checking it everyday and it's not changed or grown or anything like that. I'm still going to get it checked out but is it something you think I should be really freaking out about?!

27-05-10, 07:44
Hello....I live in North Queensland where the weather is always warm,I have lot's of moles and get them checked all the time,I suggest you should just get them checked out.In Aus,we have mole clinics do you have them there?It does not sound like it is Melanoma.Try not to worry or Google.:D
Rhonda x:flowers:

27-05-10, 19:54
I don't think we do have any here no, I'm hoping to see a doctor who specialises in skin problems in the hope he may be abit more aware than anyone else. I have just noticed another albeit normal mole near this one which I'm almost sure wasn't there before and now I'm sick with worry even more than I was before, especially seeing as I googled again, argh! :weep: