View Full Version : sighns

minnie h
22-05-10, 17:10
does anybody feel like they get sighns that ther ill..like u randomly open a magazine n the first thing u c iz a story bout cancer.or u turn on the tv n the first word u hear is stroke? Also i hav thoughts like if i c lots ov members ov my family in the same day i think omg iv seen them all 2day coz im guna die later! Is this anx and does anybody else think like this?

22-05-10, 18:02
OMG!! Yeah, I'm like this ALL the time. I'm scared to say 'I luv u' in a text to any family members or friends in case that's a sign that I'm about to die & need to tell them I love them... :/

Or like, if I hear a Magpie chattering in a morning, I think one Magpie is bad luck so something bad will happen today...

Something simple as a certain song coming on the radio will make me think my end is neigh!

Or if I'm looking forward to something, I won't leave the house until it's happened incase I go out & die or get hurt/end up in hospital & miss the thing I've been looking forward to...

It's silly but it's how I feel almost 90& of the time...it restricts me & causes me alot of worry panic, so you're not on you're own.
We shouldn't be feeling like this though, we shouldn't have illness/death on our minds all the time, hindering what we do...it's not fair...
*hugs* x

22-05-10, 18:18
OMG!!!! I thought it was only me!!!!!
If my life seems to be going well, if I am actually happy then it must be because I'm goin to die!!!
Like you say, I'll hear a certain song or see a certain person/thing and it becomes an omen!
Wow kinda relieved I'm not alone on this lol xx

22-05-10, 18:22
LOL! Yeah, god, exactly! & Like, if I try to positive whilst I'm feeling abit ill or having an anxiety attack & tell myself I'm ok, I'll start feeling like I've jinxed myself & that means I'm gonna die this time!
So it makes it completely impossible to be positive! lol

23-05-10, 12:39
ME too!!
Thought it was just me - but obviously I'm not alone!! I have to do weird things like say a quick prayer when I drive past a shrine at the side of the road where some poor person has died in an RTA - I pray it will never happen to me or those who I love. If someone on the tv says their loved one has died - I repeat it in my head and then think OMG I hope that doesnt happen to me so I have to try my best not to think about it - same as in the magazine or newspaper article. My latest panic is due to the Sally Webster thing - and now I have to attend the breast clinc - how the hell I am I going to get through the next 2 weeks whilst I wait for the appointment!!!!!!!! arggggggg - so I cant possible look in a newspaper etc in case I see something about it cos that could be a sign - OMG I am completely mad!!!! To think I am training to be a health care professional - I think its me who needs help!!