View Full Version : Brain fog

22-05-10, 17:53
I have been on Citalopram 20mg for about 4 weeks now for high anxiety and depression. I had some side effects over the first couple of weeks (dry mouth, sweats etc.) which have gone now but haven't had more than a couple of hours sleep for well over 1 month!

I have started getting bad "brain fog" during most of the day for the last week (feeling 'drunk', unable to think straight etc.) don't know if it is the Citalopram causing it or not. I started thinking negative - that the tablets will never work and the brain fog is something more serious with my brain like tumour or brain damage (maybe caused by the drug).

If this is just a side effect of the drug (even after 4 weeks) then maybe I could accept this if it starts to work soon and I will likely eventually feel better. The other option is to stop taking Citalopram or try another drug as I know some work better than others depending on the person. Just feel afraid to try another drug because of the side effects and that it may make me worse.

Don't really know which option to do. Any help will be much appreciated - and help my anxiety level!

22-05-10, 19:59
I found citalopram took a month or 2 to start working the brain fog is more than likely down to lack of sleep x x

23-05-10, 12:05
Thanks gladyscourt (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=28942) for your support.
I just wonder if it is a combination of lack of sleep, the drug and the high anxiety - I know from other posts that anxiety can cause this condition.

Can't shake it off and seems to be getting worse day by day. Feel like a zombie walking round the house. Memory is terrible as well and get very confused and detached from reality. It is very scary and get worried it is a more serious condition. I live alone which doesn't help!

Could anxiety cause it to be this bad?? Should I just accept it, carry on taking the Citalopram and sit it out even though it so bad or go to hospital and get by brain checked out??

I don't seem to have any other side effects at the moment apart from the lack of sleep and off my food.

23-05-10, 14:51
I would say carry on with the citalopram. my doctor told me that sometimes it makes u feel worse before it acctually makes u feel better, which was the case with me. Keep going, but if u are truely worried speak with ur gp about it and he might change ur dose or to another tablet. But Its more than likely like u say a combination of all 3. xxx

23-05-10, 16:39
Yes it's a common side effect, I had it for the full 10 weeks I was on them so Dr took me off them as my anxiety was still heightened and I wasn't improving. Hopefully yours should settle down soon, if the symptoms are still there in 2 more weeks then go back to the Dr's as they could be the wrong meds for you (lots out there and it can be tricky to find the right one, very rarely does the first one work).

Also don't take them first thing in the morning, this makes the side effects worse. My Dr said to take them about 7pm then they should help you sleep rather than keep you awake. Take them with food as well as an empty stomach can worsen side effects

24-05-10, 11:58
Cheers to both of you for your advice, really appreciate it. Really happy I found this forum as was starting to feel alone.

Realise now that a lot of people went thru the same problem even after being on the tablets for a while.

The continuous brain fog making the day a bit of a struggle as it is still quite bad and find it gets worse when I try to concentrate on anything (which brings on more worry!). Most of the anxiety is worrying about it not getting better! :doh:

I'll keep on Citalopram 20mg for a while longer and see what happens. I've also been to docs today. He suggested the same thing and is going to book me in for a scan just to put any fears to bed that it is more serious problem with my head.


25-05-10, 14:11
God! Feeling worse today. Don't know how much sleep I had but doesn't feel much at all. Feel exhausted even more confused and detacthed from reality than yesterday, dizzy when walking round, weak and no real emotion, can't get brain in gear at all. No headaches today yet though.

Very weird feeling and frightening the hell out of me! If this all side effect then don't know what is worse, the anxiety & depression or this, at least before I could still think a bit better thru the fog. Hope it gets better soon as very had to cope with. Arrrgggh! :unsure:

25-05-10, 18:00
Feel a little bit better than my earlier post. No real emotions and concentration still worse than previous days but can walk round the house a little better without banging into everything now! Watching TV is still weird like I watching it but not taking anything in and find a lot of times just staring at it blankly! Same with talking to people.

Thinking maybe seritonin is now at a level due to the Cit where I am starting to feel things different? Very weird. :wacko:

Maybe this is me on road to recovery (towards the light at end of tunnel)? Will see what I am like next couple of days.

28-05-10, 19:23
Still got bad brain fog!!. Best way to describe it is when you've been concentrating on the same thing continually and you feel totally spaced out all day but with added dizzyness.

I know Cat80 had brain fog for full 10 weeks when on Cit but don't think I could stand it that long!

I know the advice in previous posts was to stick with Cit but thinking it's got to the point where I need to make the decision to ask doc about upping the dose or wean off the Cit altogether??? Tough decision to make but think I need to do something very soon as it is becoming unbearable!!!:shrug: