View Full Version : oh no.... help?

22-05-10, 18:04
I'm sorry but I could really use someone to talk to.

Long story short, I was meant to be referred to the priory but my GP is sick so it hasn't happened yet. I have exams in 3 weeks and I'm falling apart. I'm beyond lonely, so anxious I'm shaking constantly, fighting back tears and can feel a monster of a panic attack coming. I'm scared to 'let go' and cry because I don't know what will happen if I start.

I have no-one around to support me or even talk to. My Mum is away and my boyfriend is busy. I don't have any friends. I don't know how the hell I'm meant to hold it together. My GP appointment is still a couple of weeks away.

I'm desperate for this overwhelming feeling to go away. I just want to be happy and normal.

22-05-10, 18:48
Hi Frightenedbutterfly,

Sorry to read your struggling so much at the moment.

You are not on your own. Have you tried going into the chatroom to talk to somebody. Create more posts, talk it all out. Pm me if you want.

Wishing you support, take care .. andrew

Going home
22-05-10, 22:40
With saying you have exams looming, you sound very young to be referred to somewhere like the Priory. I didn't realise you could be referred there for anxiety and panic, i always thought it was a place for addictions. If you are so ill why is nobody in your family with you at this time? Your mum is away? Does she know how ill you feel? and is it that your boyfriend works on a saturday night? Could your anxiety be because of worry about your exams do you think?

Anna xx

22-05-10, 22:47
What's worrying you?

Could you talk to some study advisors at uni/college to help you with exam stress?

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

andrea thompson
22-05-10, 22:51
hiya hon

i think we have all fealt like that at one time or another. when i have fealt really bad i have just wanted to talk to someone who understands. i have two members of my family who reassure me and always calm me down - if you dont have anyone there i would maybe go to the chat room on here. if you are really in need of someone to talk to you could call the samaritans - they are in the phone book and would be happy to listen to you and reassure you.

i was really bad before and rang the out of hours dr he chatted to me and told me to have a hot drink and a hot bath - i really didnt want to do it but once i had had my bath i went to bed and actually relaxed enough to sleep - it really does work.

dont try to go through this alone - one step at a time and tell someone how you are feeling - ring the drs on monday and bring your next appointment forward... tell them how horrid you feel - they should understand.

take care hon

andrea x x

22-05-10, 23:49
With saying you have exams looming, you sound very young to be referred to somewhere like the Priory. I didn't realise you could be referred there for anxiety and panic, i always thought it was a place for addictions. If you are so ill why is nobody in your family with you at this time? Your mum is away? Does she know how ill you feel? and is it that your boyfriend works on a saturday night? Could your anxiety be because of worry about your exams do you think?

Anna xx

I'm 22. The Priory is a last resort. The GP is referring me there because the CMHT refuse to offer me any support. My Mum is away because it's her birthday and I couldn't bring myself to tell her how I really feel, she's got enough going on! My boyfriend plays cricket every saturday so it's impossible to talk to him all day and most of the evening. He doesn't really understand anxiety and panic anyway so he'd just make things worse. The exams are definitely a big part of why I'm feeling so helpless and terrified, but most of it is I am just so scared to be alone. Thank you for your reply x

What's worrying you?

Could you talk to some study advisors at uni/college to help you with exam stress?

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

I have spoken to them, but they just told me to stop putting so much pressure on myself and not to worry about it. The only helpful thing they've done is arranged for a smaller room for me to sit the exam in. Thank you for the support! x

hiya hon

i think we have all fealt like that at one time or another. when i have fealt really bad i have just wanted to talk to someone who understands. i have two members of my family who reassure me and always calm me down - if you dont have anyone there i would maybe go to the chat room on here. if you are really in need of someone to talk to you could call the samaritans - they are in the phone book and would be happy to listen to you and reassure you.

i was really bad before and rang the out of hours dr he chatted to me and told me to have a hot drink and a hot bath - i really didnt want to do it but once i had had my bath i went to bed and actually relaxed enough to sleep - it really does work.

dont try to go through this alone - one step at a time and tell someone how you are feeling - ring the drs on monday and bring your next appointment forward... tell them how horrid you feel - they should understand.

take care hon

andrea x x

I totally forgot about The Samaritans! Thank you!! I will try and get my appointment moved forward but my GP might not be back from sick leave yet and I can't really see anyone else. Thank you x

Hi Frightenedbutterfly,

Sorry to read your struggling so much at the moment.

You are not on your own. Have you tried going into the chatroom to talk to somebody. Create more posts, talk it all out. Pm me if you want.

Wishing you support, take care .. andrew

Thank you for offering your support! x

Going home
23-05-10, 00:07
Thank you for explaining things better to me, and i hope you find the right road to recovery. You sound like you worry about others alot more than you worry about yourself. We all know here how isolating it can be when the people around us don't understand and they get tired of listening to us. But you're not alone on nmp anyway.

Take care
Anna ..:hugs:

23-05-10, 17:40
If the exams are stressing you out this much can you take a resit later in the year?

23-05-10, 23:15
I could re-sit but I don't really want to have to go through all this again... y'know? Thank you everyone for the support!!

24-05-10, 23:01
I know exams are stressful. I'm doing coursework and have an exam coming up soon. I was a wreck before my finals!

Could you do some revision with other people? I know that always makes me feel calmer x

25-05-10, 03:37
hey PM me if you ever feel like chatting on msn. we all get lonely at times :-)