View Full Version : glad its not just me

22-05-10, 20:49
Ive finally given in and after year of intermittant depression ive gone to the doctor and said the words...... I cant do it on my own this time I NEED HELP.

i feel like ive sold out, like im admitting that im useless.

The doc has prescribed me citalopram 10 mg and told me to go back before they run out in 28 days.... i havent taken them yet.... what do i do -do i take them... or do i not - i just dont know what to do.... advise of any type would be welcomed

22-05-10, 20:50
Hi chugga

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-05-10, 13:47
Hi Chugga,

Welcome to the site. Intros isn't always the best place to post if your looking for advice.

I'd suggest you look at posts about citalopram in the medication section of the forum. Altho I'd say people in general will always share their negative experiences more readily than their positive ones. You could consider trying a herbal product first, to see if that helps. And I would always suggest that you try 'talking therapies' as well as or before medication.

Hope that helps, you take care .. andrew

23-05-10, 13:50
Hi Chugga,

The fact that you have been to see your GP and admitted you need help is a huge step in the right direction.

Please do not think of yourself as useless as you are far from it. It takes guts sometimes when we are suffering to admit it to yourself let alone to others and by doing this you are already on the path to recovery.

I think taking the citalopram will help you get over your depression. 10mg is an ideal starting dose to get the drug into your system and start working with the minimal of side effects.

Only you can decide wether you will take it or not but at the end of the day your GP has prescribed it to help you get better, so why not give it a go?

There are alot of others on here who take or have taken Cit (I have taken it previously) so you will get lots of advice and help, so you wont be alone on your journey.

Take care and let us know how you get on.

23-05-10, 18:09
Hi Chugga, welcome!

There is NOTHING wrong with admitting you need help. I know its a big step, but you have admitted that you cant do it on your own this time, so why should you suffer if there is a chance thats the antidepressants can help you? what is it that makes you feel you have sold out? if your GP had recommended it then is it not worth giving it a try?

If you had a physical illness I doubt you'd think twice about taking medication for it so why should it be any different when it comes to taking medication for anxiety/depression?

Sometimes the more we think about things the more confused we can become! I think you should have a read of the success stories forum and see how you feel after that. Good luck with everything anyway, let us know :)

24-05-10, 00:03

I have been recently been put on 20mg Citalopram with 3x propanolol a day and i am fine! The side effects have been a dry mouth, yawning and raised anxiety. Please take them and dont wait for years like me for another chance.

good luck