View Full Version : Worried, stressed, wound up.

22-05-10, 22:39
I recently got back together with my partner after a 2 month 'break'
I juat can't seem to do anything right, I've changed so much and put so much effort in but it's never enough. I feel frazzled with it.
I'm constantly on edge thinking, can't speak like this, can't say that, must remember this, must be attentive, thoughtful. etc

I feel anxious before we speak on the phone. Terrified of saying something wrong, that might upset, annoy them os p**s them off.

It's like everything I get something right, then she finds something else wrong, that I need to 'fix'

I feel sometimes like i'm cracking up. I'm not perfect, I know that, but am trying my bloody hardest....

andrea thompson
22-05-10, 23:18
hi hon

try not to worry about everything - you really need to try to be yourself - take one step at a time and be yourself - you cannot live your life trying to always say and do the right thing.

when i get really anxious a hot bath always helps to relax me and a hot drink. make sure you eat regular meals and get some exercise - slow down and learn to appreciate yourself.

take care - i hope you feel better soon. x x