View Full Version : I have this for ever no medication tends to work

23-05-10, 04:01
Hello people, i really need some advice and comfort as i am really scared at the moment, Ive had anxiety / Panic attacks ever since i was in grade 4. I have been on numerous medications i admit the do help me for a while then its like my body gets use to them and they come back :( I was on Lexapro when i first had them then eventually that didnt work so i moved up to Zoloft 50mg i was ok for a few years then they came back at full strength so the doctor upped my Perscription to 100mg work for a while then same thing happened now i am on a drug called Cetalopram Since May last year, Again no suprise its coming back i have to go see the dcotor on the 26th of this month, He also upped my Cetaloprem from 20mg to 30mg. This thing that goes on with me is controlling my life i come home from work sick of fear anxiety and panic. i really do need guidance right now as i do not no what to do. I just want it gone, All your outputs would be most appreciated, Thank you for reading.

23-05-10, 22:08
The min dose of citlopram is 20 I believe, my doctor stepped me up to30 recently as I was getting less benefit within about 2 or so days I saw an improvement again, I think u can be up to about 80 but you reaaly need to give the lower doses a chance to build up, they are having a positive effect even if u still feel panicky, meds may not solve the prob on there own.

When I panic, I take a long walk and it uses some of the excess adrenalin, reducing my attack , I usually ring a friend or family and talk, I even got out of a panic attack once when the bank rung mr for a financial review, amazing what benefits u can feel when u can move ur mind off of it

I must say phone calls for me can be more beneficial than actually talking face to face, weird huh?

Take care

30-05-10, 08:27
Thank you for the reply i really appreciate it. I have seen a little improvement so far so hopeful i feel 100% soon :) this forum is great i am glad people that are feeling similar or like me have a place to come to express how they really feel. I love how everyone tries to help as much as they can.