View Full Version : Positive Thinking

Natalie x
23-05-10, 11:15
Any one have any tips on how to think more positievely about things? No matter how hard I try nothing seems to work! Or maybe it's just me not doing the right things! Any suggesions?? x

23-05-10, 11:38
Personally I think the best way to think positive is NOT to say I am well I am fine BUT to say OK I feel carp (if you do), but it's OK I will be fine, I will get through this, so what if today is not a good day, tomorrow I will start to feel better. Does that make any sense, positive reinforcement,

23-05-10, 14:53
Yeah that is the same as what i was taught to do Peter, it definatly workd for me. If u panic afterwards say, I handled that well, next time i will handle it even better. Etc etc xxxx

23-05-10, 15:30
Two ways; one is to go with flow exaggerate your situation to the most outlandish conclusion and so how unlikely or even hilarious it is, or imagine what you would say to your best friend if she was thinking what you were thinking and you may find your concerns are less than you think.

23-05-10, 16:05
Dont ever beat yourself up for not thinking positivly. Every thought you have in your head is there for a reason. So even if its a negative one, listen to it. Dont run from it. Once youve listened to it, then think about it. Does it make sense? Is the thought helpful? If not, then imagine yourself writing that thought on a postcard and posting it away!
It also helps if you try to think of the positive in every situation instead of lurching for the negative. For instance
"Its raining today, Im going to be miserable"
and the positive
"It might be raining, but I get to wear my new wellies"
Seems silly, but it might help you understand what i mean.