View Full Version : Treatment for BP

23-05-10, 11:48
Some may recall I saw a doctor recreantly who said I must start BP treatment as according to his records my BP has been high every time it was read at the hospital over the last ten or so years, 166/100 or as high as 200/110. Now I know all about white coat syndrome, and know that my BP at home is much lower, so before I start treatment I decided to take my BP over the last 3 days at home. These are the results, all have been taken at the same time of day, and sitting etc.

Day one 139/96
Day two 141/98
Day three 137/97

I really don't want to start treatment if not needed as once I start you can not stop and it means I will have to be monitored for the rest of my life :ohmy:

My BP has been high since a child, it runs in the family, so it does not really worry me, my heart has been tested many times so I am not worried about that.

Any thoughts,Peter

23-05-10, 11:52
I would just discuss with your doctor what you have told us and tell him what your Bp has been over the three days and then just take it from there, my mum had high BP and for all of it i still dont even know what the norm is or what the readings mean lol ...but if it means going on tablets to prevent other things from occurring strokes etc in the long run for your health it would be worth it .

shirley x

Going home
23-05-10, 12:14
Hi Peter, when you say it runs in the family do you mean members of the family have to take meds to control it or they just live with it? I agree that the recommended measurements are a guide and that everybody is different...some people can carry on smoking into their 90s without so much as a cough while others would suffer the effects of it quite badly, so there has to be some guidlines i guess, but your readings at home are quite good depending on your age of course...BP commonly raises the older you get unless you are super-fit.

Its generally the bottom reading that the doctors are more concerned about, the top reading can change by the minute depending on what you are doing or even thinking, but the bottom reading shows the pressure with which the blood is pushing through your system, and if its consistantly high then in future years it could put a strain on your heart or brain, hence the heart attack or stroke risks. Taking medication can reduce this pressure and slow it down but often so can a change of lifestyle and diet.

They say normal readings can be anything between 119/79 (sometimes even lower and typical for people in their teens and 20s) and 138/83 but can be higher after middle age or in menopaisal women. But as has been said, you need to tell your doc about the lower readings at home because they don't seem that bad to be honest. I also have a home monitor and my BP has come down alot...around 135-140/79-83 most days from an average of 160/110 at the doctors 2 years ago, but I do take a beta blocker because I also suffer with migraines and it helps both conditions.

Anna xx :)

23-05-10, 17:19
You could try changing your diet as well.

Do you smoke, drink alcohol, use salt on foods etc?

All of these will make it high too.

23-05-10, 17:26
All your readings are hypertensive. My thought is why walk around with high blood pressure that is damaging your arteries when you can easily lower it with medication? I know no one wants to be on meds, but it's not the end of the world and if it keeps you from shortening your life span or preventing health problems I would go for it. I've been on hbp meds since I was 26. I don't even really think about it anymore and am glad to have normal bp now. But in the ends it's your body and you shouldn't do anything you are against.

23-05-10, 20:47
I know quite a few people who have had higher BP readings at doctors/hospital and then shown lower in home surroundings.
My doc always allows for the white coat hypertension and generally takes 3 readings within 10 mins.Mine comes down within that time. I do agree though that it would be worth mentioning your home readings to your doctor.Im sure they will take whatever is the best course for you.

23-05-10, 22:03
Peter your readings are a little too high so I would talk to your doctor about taking the meds - Im on three kinds of med for blood pressure and I dont feel any side ffects from them at all if thats any help


23-05-10, 23:17
Definitely take medication as those readings are rather high... and high bp is not a good thing really, so u need to take action and not just leave it.. its only medication, its there for a reason, if i were you id do anything tthat would help me, even if it means being monitored everyday for my entire life! if u care about ur health and life then take the medication. thats my viewpoint. tke cre and hope headaches are getting betterx