View Full Version : newbe - started on Duloxetine - advice needed

23-05-10, 15:21
Hi all,

Just started on Duloxetine on Wednesday. Feeling really sick and queasy, tired but can't sleep. Anyone else on these pills? How long before these feelings go? Do they work???

Gem x

23-05-10, 15:24
Hi glsmith

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-05-10, 15:31
Hi Gem,
I take 30mg duloxetine a day and have been on them for the past year... I think that they have been a huge hlep to me.. after about a week i started to feel less anxious and alot more calmer than usual... i suffer with very bad anxiety and hav done for 20 years or so... Anyway i hope they help you! Carla :)

23-05-10, 15:39

Suffered with depression since i was 13. So 13 years. Been on and off different tablets and through counselling. Dr has now decided that i shouldn't have ever been off tablets because it recurs. Just so scared that i'll be on them forever. Want to feel better but just so worried.

My hubby is really supportive and is coping with me really well. Don't feel like doing anything. Feel abit like a Cabbage. Today is the first day i feel a little chirpy but still feel spaced out and can't concentrate on things.

DO you have sensitivity to light and sound? I seem to be panicky in crowded places cos the noise is too loud. :(

23-05-10, 17:31
Hi Carla,

When you first started taking them were you able to work?? I am taking mirtazipine at the moment but dont think they are helping with my anxiety at all so think I may need to change. When I first went on them the other option was duloxetine so I am interested to know how you find them. I just need to carry on working though and dont want to have to take more time off as I had 5 months off this past time when I became ill. I work full-time as well. Any advice would be welcomed. JO.xx

23-05-10, 21:29
Hi JT69,

I'm still attempting to work whilst on these. Feel like crap but managing so far. End up napping at lunchtime tho. I am a teacher and I've told work i feel sick all the time. They quite supportive. I, like you, need to work full time and take no time off.

Gem x