View Full Version : Lump in mouth worries

23-05-10, 16:09
Hello everyone. Havent posted in a while as Ive had cbt and it better controls my health anxiety now. One thing that is slightly concerning me is a small lump I have in my mouth. I fist noticed it a year and a bit ago, when i still had pretty bad health anxiety. I didnt know if it had always been there and never noticed it, or if it was new. I assumed it had always been there and took it no further. Now, a year or so later, it is still there. I have been a little anxious about it lately because my brain is trying to tell me its bigger than it was. I dont know if this is true or not, im guessing probably not if im honest.

I shall explain where it is. Run your tongue down the back of your bottom teeth, in the centre, just as you can feel the soft part where your gums join the underneath of your tongue, but just before your salivary glands. It probably only a couple mm in size and cant be seen if you look in your mouth. It could be scar tissue over a small piece of jagged bone in my jaw, i dont know. Its painless and has been there for a year, maybe all my life. Does anybody else have anything similar? if i put my finger down there and press, it feels like a little bubble of fat that moves when i push it. Ive also been prodding it with my tongue for a year...

Im very scared of anything that could even vaguely point to cancer as thats how i lost my mum (though hers was breast cancer). Can anyone give me reassurance until i get to see a doc? i know all kinds of weird stuff goes on in our mouths... can someone describe thier lumps n bumps in their mouth that theyve had all their life? just so i know its probably nothing to tear my hair out about? ta x

23-05-10, 17:46
It could be so many perfectly benign things. Best thing to do though is visit the GP. Some people have all sorts of lumps and bumps, ive got a wierd lil bump in my nostril but its jus a bit of cartilage. If its not getting any bigger my bets is its fine! But a visit to the gp will reasure u either way :) xx

23-05-10, 23:48
what are they like and how long can they stay there?

24-05-10, 09:43
Hi, I just ran my tongue over the area you described and I have the same lump! Never in my life noticed it before so am guessing since we both have it it's actually meant to be there! I hope that makes you feel better x:)