View Full Version : breathing.

23-05-10, 16:32
I keep feeling like i cant breath properly for the last week.I know it can be part of anxiety but can it be constant and not just when your having an attack? I have a pain in my back and because i feel like i cant breath right i am thinking i have a lung problem.

23-05-10, 16:44
Yes breathing is a constant problem with people with anxiety, it's a way that you become used to breathing because of anxiety. I've had it daily for years and can't get it under control, it's like short breaths or little gasps sometime. Classic symptoms but very annoying as I feel really unfit

23-05-10, 17:43
Its because ur trying too hard to breath, force urself to breath so that ur tummy gets big when u breath in and deflates when u breath out. this is the correct way to breath. Ur back and chest hurt because ur constantly trying to force urself to breath without realising it. xx

23-05-10, 18:26
How can you stop it though if you dont know your doing it? I have pains in my side and front as well on the same level if you know what i mean? I generally feel exhausted and unwell and i cant stop thinking i have something even though i have just had my bloods done this week and they were fine.I hate being like this.