View Full Version : Tinhy little white stringy bits in urine, argh

23-05-10, 19:24
My boyfriend was fingering me quite a lot yesterday (sorry its relevant to my latest worry I dont mean to be graphic!), and when I went to the loo a bit after he'd finished and id just had a bath (we were fooling aroubnd in the vath) I noticed around 4 very tiny, very thin stringy like white things in my urine!! Hmm I have no idea what this was... could it have been er mucous or vaginal lubrication that had perhaps congealed a bit inside my vagina and came out when I went to the loo.... it couldnt be a sign of cancer or a serious problem down there could it? not had this before! When I googled it, it came up with either worms (ewww) or mucous type vaginal lubrication, but just wondering if anyone else has ever noticed this? It couldnt be skin coming out my vagina cause he hurt me or anything could it? (Im not in any pain)

The stringy white things are maybe about half a centimetre and are white and v skinny, this has only happened the one time but Im scared and really dont want to see the doc if it sounds like nothing as she looked at me like I was mad when I went recently about blood on toilet paper when I have a bowel movement! (why do I have such embarassing worries!!)

23-05-10, 20:05
Sorry hun, you have me laughing here after reading this hehe.. I no i shouldnt laugh because you are right it can be worrying. But no hun dont worry, yes its completley normal. Iv had this before..Absolutley normal. Its just discharge in your wee :)

23-05-10, 21:21
Yeah ive had this before after doing 'stuff'. dont worry hun its normal :) xxx

24-05-10, 13:20
Thx for the replies, feel a bit calmer now thinking about it! Its just when i read about things like worms or started to think of the C word (everything I have is always suspected C) that I started to tihnk it must be something sinister, oops