View Full Version : Palpitations?

23-05-10, 23:31
I thought the bangs I've been getting in the middle of my chest are palpitations, but someone told me today palpitations are like a fluttering feeling like your heart beats a few beats very quickly.

This has made me worry cuz I get a very distinct BANG in my chest almost feels to me like a single vicious heart beat if you get me. I don't get them a lot just usually 1nce a day like earlier I was playin a game on my xbox really concentratin cuz was hard and then out of nowhere it was like BANG which freaked me out. I thought they were palpitations but now I don't know if they are?

Is a palpitation what I get or the fluttering I got told they were today?

23-05-10, 23:34
It sounds like a palpitation... when I get them it's usually fluttering followed by a thud, though sometimes the fluttering is so faint I hardly feel it.

24-05-10, 00:27
I don't get any fluttering at all and they jus come at the most random times! Like other day I was lyin in the bath relaxing my muscles after exericise. I was relaxed and happy and I just got a massive bang in my chest. I don't understand cuz I thought palpitations come when you were anxious and I'm through my darkest days (well thought I was) and I've just developed them in the last few weeks when I've been improving so much. Freaking me out rly bad seriously :(

Thx for replying aswell, it's nice to hear you have the bang too. x

24-05-10, 17:36
I've had this, also normally when relaxed not stressed. Similarly, you can also get palpitations at rest, I often used to get them in bed when trying to sleep. I don't get palitations much these days. I think I learned not to worry about them so get them less. I get a whole load of other distressing symptoms instead!

24-05-10, 17:58
i get this loads - I sometimes feel a fluttering or tightening before it and sometimes dont - its almost always when Im at rest and normally when I am just falling asleep. There is a really good section on here under symtoms which explains what it is.


24-05-10, 18:11
Thats an ectopic. Its completely normal. Comes hand in hand with anxiety lol. Its when your heart beats prematurely because of adrenalin then has to rest, then the big bang is pumping the blood back out. its perfectly normal. xx

24-05-10, 18:39
but why does it happen when you are feeling normal and relaxed more than when you are wound up do you think? thats what puzzles me?

24-05-10, 19:32
My SIL had these and the cardiologist told her that it's not that unusual and that everyone has something like that with their heart.. skipping a beat, a flutter, etc and most people don't ahve any problems. Hope that reassures you a bit :)

24-05-10, 23:01
here is the article on here thats helpful


25-05-10, 02:48
Thanks for all your replies really put my mind at ease. Just they so scary hard to ignore them! I get them when I'm relaxed too which really bothers me cuz I thought it was when you were anxious. Thanks for the link aswell xx

25-05-10, 16:02
but why does it happen when you are feeling normal and relaxed more than when you are wound up do you think? thats what puzzles me?

I get more when I'm about to develop a cough or cold - never worked that one out either :shrug:

Esther Page
07-04-11, 20:46
Hi I have been having ectopic beats for years but just lately they have bee much worse and I get Trigeminy. which is beat beat miss. It is very comforting to read your posts and see that I am far from alone. I have had all the tests, and have more being repeated at the moment But I'm sure the more I look into it that I am suffering from stress burn out. It is very hard to sleep at night when your heart won't keep still.