View Full Version : Citalopram 20mg/ Propanolol 40mgx3....day 6

23-05-10, 23:44
Just want to say i have been to the doctors and have been given the above medicine. For anybody struggling to make that step believe me the medicines are ok!

Ok, they make you feel a little bit strange but its all for a good cause!

Ill update here in a few days.

Good luck

28-05-10, 19:46
Day 12ish, Im still alive! The side effects have been a little strange but i feel so much better than i did! so pleased with the way its going it has taken long enough on these tablets they dont work overnight thats for sure.

I have mild head aches and v mild anxiety, like the beginning of a panick attack but it gets stopped, must be the medication1 good luck

01-06-10, 22:44
DAY 13. I have had a bad day today feeling anxious all day long and fidgity{not half as bad as usual}. Before today since i last posted i was feeling great with no side effects present!!!

I have just taken my pill before bed and hope i am a little better tomorrow.

26-08-10, 01:38
Since my last update i went down hill...

Gagging all day, hyperventilating, sweating, cant eat, panick struck, stomach dropping all day etc etc you know the drill......


Went to the docs and didnt fancy the medication increase so put off the citalopram for a few weeks then i took the plunge, 40mg, yes side effects were not the best but copable, just when you think you cant take no more you start to feel better it hits you! took 7 days exactly to help me and side effects to pass.

I remember reading comments on hitting a plateau then having to increase citalopram hoping i wouldnt have to do it but i did and im v v v happy.

Stay strong :winks: