View Full Version : hi, new here and totally lost......

23-05-10, 23:51
Just thought I'd stop by and say hello, I'm Caroline, 37 y/o mum of 4. I don't know where to begin lol I gave up smoking 11 weeks ago and over the last few weeks started having breathing problems - to cut a long story short I went to the GP last week and he's diagnosed hyperventilating, panic attacks, anxiety and depression! No half measures for me! Apparently there's a number of various symptoms I've been suffering from over the last 2 - 3 years all connected, but the stopping smoking has brought them to the forefront although the usual gp's advice is diet and take paracetamol. The new gp prescribed me fluoxetine and told me to go back after taking them 2 weeks but I'm in a real mess. I'm having major breathing issues, which some people have blamed on me being very overweight, though I had nothing like it before stopping smoking and not had weight increase - I can be sat down and just stand up and feel as though all the blood's rushing to my head, similar to over exertion when exercising or being upside down, i start breathing faster and getting really worked up and scared, the gp's recommendation of breathing into a paper bag isn't helping much. This is happening all times of day/night, usually as I'm trying to go to sleep its like its on a loop and can take hours for it to settle enough to the point of being able to drift off - even if only for a short time. I also feel as though I've a huge lump of something in my throat which I can't shift no matter what
Are these symptoms normal and how do I get rid of the breathing problem? I did try relearning how to breathe but can never seem to empty my lungs enough - so then I start panicking about where my next breath's coming from all over again.
Sorry for the long post - I did try to keep it brief :) I'm just all over the place, don't know what to do and am considering going to a drop in centre tomorow to see if they can help as the whole breathing thing is really scaring me :scared15:


23-05-10, 23:55
Hi carolineh1972

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-05-10, 00:08
The last straw with me was when i fainted in the street with my Panick Attack/anxiety. With you saying it happens when you are going to bed tells me that you are in a loop. it sounds mad but just dont go to bed one night and just watch telly downstairs. This will tell you that its your mind as your not in bed and its not happening if you understand me. I have the lump in my throat too, it makes me feel awfully sick sometimes but its all anxiety, please continue what you are doing and find answers for yourself.

good luck x

24-05-10, 00:38
Hi Caroline,

Welcome to the nmp forum.

I had a lot of breathing issues after I stopped smoking. There is a technique to regulate breathing, it might be written on the website somewhere. I could never follow it and just made my own one up. Take some time every day to concentrate on your breathing, gradually take deeper breathes and hold them for longer to build up your lung strength at a level you are comfortable with. Ive read other posts about that throat thingy on this forum.

take care .. andrew

Going home
24-05-10, 01:35
Hi there, well done for giving up smoking and for hanging in there with the after effects. I wouldn't say you are still physically withdrawing from the nicotine after 11 weeks, but what is probably happening is you now have alot of tension in your body...nicotine might be a really bad substance to inhale but it certainly relaxes the smoker, so now you've taken the relaxant away your body is reacting with tension, and tension can affect the chest wall muscles with in turn makes taking a deep breath difficult. And worrying just makes us more tense. It also depends on how many you smoked and for how long.

I gave up about 8 years ago and developed hayfever the summer i gave up after never having it before. Its in the family but I never seemed to suffer with it until I stopped smoking.

Maybe you could try a natural relaxant for a while until your system settles down, such as rescue remedy or Kalms etc.

Anna xxx

24-05-10, 01:46
i had these fluoxetine and some other pills for my phobia it gave me lock jaw and tight muscles in my leg so i could not walk nasty things.
i also have been getting panic attacks since i stopped smoking weed 5 yrs ago. mainly i usally have someone with me when i go out so i feel ok if not i take my mp3 player and listen to music. try to do something that calms you down and takes your mind of it that might help.

Vanilla Sky
24-05-10, 09:45
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

24-05-10, 23:36
thanks everyone for your replies, it helps to know i'm not the only one suffering - though it sure feels like it at times! I thought i was having a good day today - but suddenly out of nowhere everything's kicked off again - breathing troubles, panicking and stressing over the silliest things.... its driving me crazy as its out of my control and people around me seem to think I'm over reacting and being totally irrational :weep: I

25-05-10, 06:08
Hey there. Welcome to a good place. You are NOT ALONE