View Full Version : Hi :)

24-05-10, 00:50
Hi! :)

I just joined today, I've had anxiety for the last 8 years, really just wanted to talk and meet and give advice to people in the same sitautions as me. I don't really have anyone to talk to about it, you know it's always "pull yourself together" or "it's all in your head" and so on. I have an 11 month old little girl and currently live away from her father so we share custody, it's become a really differcult relationship although I love him too much to break up with him, only that's making the anxiety worse, so right now I'm lost, I have no idea how to handle things ... anyone have any advice?

24-05-10, 00:53
no advice , its just hard work, i see my seven year old daughter at weekends, plus i get on with her mum and new man. you think that would be great.
my daughter now wants to live with me :)
She is causing so much trouble at her home with her mum :(

Go with what you think is best, because life is so random :)

24-05-10, 00:54
Hi Misstwentyone

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-05-10, 01:00
Sorry to hear that dawsepill. It's just so hard to go with what your heart is saying when your head is telling you something completely different. Plus I get all these images in my head of what things would be like if ended things. I don't think he would take kindly :(. Thank you for your reply :) x