View Full Version : Not being alloud to eat before medical procedure

24-05-10, 12:44
Please can this be left here becuase its to do with how to cope with not eating and not the medical procedure itself. I would have posted it in the medical procedure part of the forum but hardly anyone would see it there and I have to do this tomorrow plus once again its not about the procedure.

Anyway I have to go for a sigmoidoscopy Wednesday and Im not too bothered about that at all. What I am worried to hell about it the fact that tomorrow I can eat hardly anything and have to drink this laxative called picolax.

On a normal day Ill have breakfast in the morning and then if I dont eat before say 2pm I start to feel really faint and panicky. Im quite tall and Im trying to put weight on so at the moment Im eating around 5-6 meals a day. How on earth am I going to survive on nothing. Plus Ill be all flushed out by this laxative so will have even less energy. :weep:

I know eevryone who has to go for medical procedures or sigmoidoscopies have to go through this but I really dont think I can do it. Especially in the BOILING hot weather we've been having lately. Also the information they sent me is totally rubbish. For breakfast I can have a slice fo bread. Can I toast it or butter it or what? For my main meal all I am alloud is one slice of bread made in to a chees sandwhich or egg. Oh that's going to fill me up for the rest of the day/night. Contemplating whether or not to just turn up and have an enema, Has anyone had to have one of them before. What do they do?

Sorry for rambling and thanks.

Self Doubt
25-05-10, 11:02
Hello adamant, I've had to fast for many procedures and tests in my life. Once when I was in hospital I wasn't able to eat for four days, though at the time I didn't feel like eating anyway. I've had varies kinds of laxative to clean out my system before and they all taste awful :mad:

Having to fast can be a great interference in daily routine but just think, it's only for a day and many others have to do the same thing. Enjoy the food your allowed to eat and know that once your done you can eat all you want :D

On two occasions I have had to have an enema but given the choice I would have chosen the laxative. Having an enema involves liquid being introduced into the rectum via the anus to flush your colon out. The end result being a complete evacuation of your lower intestinal tract. I have found it to be very uncomfortable and have felt very sick afterward. But that's me and others may find it more desirable than having to drink the laxative.

It's Wednesday night now (well, where I am anyway) and hope today hasn't been too difficult to cope with. I hope tomorrow everything goes well and you get the results your hoping for :)

25-05-10, 17:03
Thanks for the reply!

Today is my fasting day. I feel really drained and tired but just drinking plenty. I wish I could sleep in the day but I have never been able to sleep unless its night. Time would go much faster then for me.

Thanks for the reassurance. Took 1 out of 2 of the laxatives this morning at 10am its now 5pm and nothings really happened. They tasted so bad. Got to take another one in a bit.

Self Doubt
27-05-10, 11:36
No problem. In my opinion the laxatives are the worst part. Hope everything went well for you today :)