View Full Version : Red lumps

24-05-10, 14:59
I have been getting on off for about a year, these red bumps on my finger, when touched they feel a Bit stingy but not much, I have a couple they aren't the same size. When I used to get them they itched But haven't been doing recently. They are like under the skin, not spots. Any one else get anything like this? X

24-05-10, 16:50
My friend has something like this, every so often she shows me them. Have no idea what they are though, shes had them on and off for as long as i've known her which is 7 yrs.


24-05-10, 18:12
I had something like this on the palms of my hands when i was younger, i was told it was a form of excema, just keep it moisturised x

24-05-10, 19:38
yep sounds like a form of excema that just comes out in the heat, do you get this down the sides of your finger?

24-05-10, 23:12
Yeah down the sides xx

24-05-10, 23:28
however i did go the docs and she started asking me if i had other symptoms such as weight loss, fatigue, headaches, hot flushes and tons of other stuff.... a coupld which i did. she said although she doesn't think its anything serious i should have blood tests for loadsa stuff like kidney function and blood counts etc.... so im really worried now cos she said it can be like to an auto immune issue..and iv been worried about my immune system alot recently cos i get loads of ulcers......:( and i have a rash that wont go......bleh. i dunno whether to have the tests before or after my holiday, cos its gonna cause me alot of anxiety waiting around for the results..

25-05-10, 00:00
I came out with little bumps myself after going out in the sun again recently, I'm pretty sure its heat related for me, they disappear very quickly

Rachel W
25-05-10, 11:54
I get them sometimes if has been really hot and I used to have to wear non-latex gloves so sweated a lot. They were usually colourless though but were 'stingy' and hard to the touch. They just go away after a while. I never thought of them as something to worry about. I have just done a search and Pompholyx Eczema came up, but these look more blistery than what I remember.

Hope that this helps.
