View Full Version : Citalopram and alternatives

24-05-10, 16:56
Hello everyone,

It's my first time posting here. Just wanted to share my experience of citalopram and the alternative options available.
I was put on Citalopram in early March this year, suffering from depression. I have struggled with this condition for many years and was at a point where I needed intervention and help.
Unfortunately, the drugs had such severe side effects for me that I couldn't work. As I am a freelancer, no work = no money and so I had to address the idea of alternative options. I was quite surprised by how much my GP downplayed the side effects, and then how strong and debilitating they turned out to be for me. I understand that I am one of very few people that has a reaction this strong to the drug, but it came as quite a shock at a time when I was extremely vulnerable so it was a very scary experience.
I decided to go down the natural route. I spoke with a herbalist and dietician and radically changed my diet to include more fresh foods and certain vitamin supplements (B complex, C, zinc, siberian ginseng). I began to take St. John's Wort every day (3 to 1 tincture, 5ml morning and evening). I came up with a daily exercise plan and stuck to it rigorously. I explained to my friends and family the truth about my condition and asked for their help and support. I also started to see a counsellor for the first time. I began to read about and practice meditation. I learnt about breathing (sounds obvious, I know, but you'd be surprised!).

All of the above have brought me to a point where I feel like I can cope again. I'm not free of depression, but I'm managing my condition. I take a little time each day to work on myself and that is vital to my improving state of mind.

Citalopram is a great drug that helps many people. However, it's not for everyone. There are other options and if you feel it's not for you, don't be afraid to explore those other options. It's so scary when you're at the point where you're ready to reach out for help, I just want to say to anyone who's at that point - your life is going to get better. It's not always going to feel like this. Trust your gut instinct and do what feels right for you. Talk to your gp/healthcare giver/friends/family and if you don't feel like you can talk to any of them, pick up the phone and call the Samaritans.

You're not on your own. It gets better. Be brave. Be kind to yourself.

18-05-12, 12:55
Hi Tjere

I have just been prescribed Citalopram and after reading the possible side effects really do not want to take it. I wanted to know what the herbal alternative was so I could try it first and your post really helped.

Thank You

18-05-12, 13:18
Yes there are many treatments available for anxiety and depression and it's just a case of finding what works for us.
Eating well and exercise are excellent things to concentrate on and I found exercise very helpful.

TinaC, welcome to the site:welcome:

Try not to be afraid of side affects, the list on the box looks ominous but they have to list absolutely every thing people on the drug trials ever experienced and in all likelihood you may do well.

I would expect an increase in anxiety for several weeks and I take a couple of weeks off work when I start a course.

My side affects on starting are a clenched jaw for a week or so, bit of the runs now and then, tingling in my arms which is quite nice:yesyes: and a bit of breathlessness which could be the anxiety? Apart from those things and the heightened Anxiety which is the biggest problem I'm OK.

I find the Citalopram starts to work at week three and by a month I do quite well.

Don't discount Citalopram just for fear of side affects, if it works for you you will start to feel yourself again and boy it's a huge relief!



19-07-13, 16:02
I've been on Citalopram for 4 years thereabouts and have been trying to deal with my depression for about 5-6 years. The cost is starting to get the better of me. It's doubled in price because I cannot find the generic brand and I don't live in any area with a lot of options. I don't like the head rattling that goes on when I miss it for 1-2 days. I'm concerned about long term side effects. I'm thinking it's time to go off of it. I'll work that out in time. I have just started an exercise routine. I have used 5-HTP and St. Johns wort in the past, but I also experienced a manic episode that lasted a few months. Not sure what to say about that.

I'm interested in a natural alternative to 40 mg daily of Citalopram. I'd appreciate hearing experiences of those who have gone off of Citalopram for something natural.