View Full Version : Does anyone else freak out in the heat

24-05-10, 17:56
Does anyone have more panic and health worries when its hot. Currently in london its 29 and ive just freaked out on my stuffy train home.

It seems my health anxiety and anxiety is 10 times worse, and of course the more i worry the hotter i get and the worse i feel. I just can't cool down or relax :-(

24-05-10, 17:59
Oh yeah.
In a similar way, I have a temperature with my cold and I feel more anxious and generally wierder.

Going home
24-05-10, 18:02
Yes we were just talking about this earlier, and the heat does make it difficult for anxious people, we can get palps and a bit breathless and panicky even without the heatwave! Anything that makes you feel you can't breathe very well in a stuffy car or train etc can make you feel panic. I think it freaks alot of us out so you're not alone with this.

Anna xx :)

24-05-10, 18:03
Hi, I tend to get anxious when im hot too.
My body has issues regulating its temperature. so once im hot, im hot!
I think mine is related to the fact when I used to have bad panic attacks I would feel like I was boiling hot. So when I get hot because of the weather my brain links them up and says hey this means youre going to panic!

Some advice, go and buy some migrane relief cold strips. They last for a few hours and you can place them on your back under your clothes to help cool you down.

24-05-10, 18:10
Thanks for the reassurance, its good to know that im not the only person who gets this. I will try the strips!

Going home
24-05-10, 18:17
Those strips sound like a good idea, i've never heard of them and might try those myself for my migraines.

Also maybe you could carry a pocket pack of wet wipes and just wipe around your neck if not your face, this might help to cool you down too.

Anna xx

24-05-10, 18:36
Yeah, I've been having abit of difficulty with the heat. My anxiety has calmed down abit but the heat definately seemed to agrovate it. :(
When I first started recognising anxiety symptoms at school years ago, it'd be when I was too hot. It happens now, if I get too hot, garanteed that a panic attack will get me lol.
Not good now the days are warming up :/