View Full Version : Attack In Tesco

24-05-10, 20:55
Yesterday me and my boyfriend went on this long walk in the middle of nowhere, no signal. I was pulled straight out of my comfort zone, we was so high up on this hill we could see down onto the these tree tops and i was fine so im proud of that . Anyway, it was his was brothers birthday today and they had a BBQ i couldnt stay long so his mum took me back with her. And we went to tesco ..

Shopping was going fine, then suddenly. I got this.. feeling. It was in my chest or right in the middle near my throat. It felt like thick air and i couldnt breathe at all i clung on to his mum for dear life. I was so scared it felt like this horrible pressure there, was was stopping me from breathing in.

Is this serious? Because i bloody scared me. And must of happened every 10 minutes for four times.

:weep: i really need answers for this one.

24-05-10, 21:00
Hey Ruby, sounds like our neighbourhood friendly panic attack. When it happens just take a seat and take slow deep breaths in thru ur nose out thru ur mouth. xx

24-05-10, 21:10
Hey Ruby, sounds like our neighbourhood friendly panic attack. When it happens just take a seat and take slow deep breaths in thru ur nose out thru ur mouth. xx

:weep: OH THANK GOD.

AREE YOU SURE THO? :weep: Because it frightened the living daylights out of me. its knocked be back again. Im scared to go out. :( i really hope you are right ! x

Vanilla Sky
24-05-10, 21:26
It was a panic attack , classic symptoms . You're ok now aren't you? If it was anything serious it would not have stopped. If it happens again as Gladys said just focus on slow deep breaths and it will pass . Don't worry xx

24-05-10, 21:35
Dont worry ruby nothing bad will happen. youve had them before and you'll more than likely have it again, each time you'll learn to cope that bit more :) xxx

24-05-10, 21:56
never had thisi feeling before tho.

So heavy in my chest area, so hard to breath.

24-05-10, 22:06
Jus breath, slowly, make sure its ur tummy that moves as u breath and not ur chest u will b fine