View Full Version : Please help, cant take this anymore!

24-05-10, 21:14
Hi im new here,

My doctor diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder around 6 months ago.

My problem is i cannot deal with the physical symptoms and am having a real hard time beleiving its anxiety!

I will probably sound crazy, but i have what i call 'internal shakes' my whole body is shaking but no one can see it!! My doctor says im not shaking and so does everyone else, but i can feel it and i really hate it :(

It feels as thought someone is sat next to me bouncing up and down or shaking my chair, i also have such a strong pressure around my head and my head feels like its wobbling around and like it will just wobble off of my shoulders. The shakes are sometimes so strong that i think my whole body will just start to convulse.

I've had a lot of blood test done all of which were normal, but im now starting to think this could be a neurological problem, somedays i feel so detached from everything, very lightheaded, everything appears to be very hazy and funny coloured and my ears become so full and ring almost like im going deaf!.. the worst thing is my symptoms 'come on' before i even feel anxious ..

I just cant take this anymore and i dont know what to do, i've even considered going to A&E, but will they even do anything.

Thanks for reading, im just so low right now :(

24-05-10, 21:16
Hi Tquila

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-05-10, 21:23
Welcome to NMP hun, you are not alone, we all get all sorts of symptoms!

I was all shakey today, couldnt even eat my lunch properly! I find it comes on quite suddenly and only by waiting and distracting myself will it go.

If you are concerned by symptoms its fine to see your doctor, I do! I am guessing your doctor has already had a look in your ears? it could be something simple like an ear infection or wax if your ears are feeling blocked and ringing and you are feeling lightheaded.

Good luck and I hope you feel supported here


24-05-10, 21:28
hi tquila im the same thinking somethinks wrong but we have to try and fight this and work through it ive been getting anxiety for 5months now and the symptoms you experience i do to and there not nice

24-05-10, 21:28
Hii, yes my doctor has checked my ears - they were quite waxy a few months back and they were syrnged. My shaking is internal, no one can see it which i think makes it more furstrating as the doctor just keeps saying you're not shaking, but i can bloody feel it lol...
It is so strong sometimes that i feel like i may even have a fit i just feel like my whole body is shaking especially my head.

Thank you for your reply i really appreciate it xx

24-05-10, 21:30
Hi annmarie thanks for your support, the symptoms are the hardest thing for me to deal with, Im just so happy to have found this site its nice to know im not alone. x

24-05-10, 21:34
You know what my mum gets the internal shaking thing and so do I, I find it is often linked to pain. Mum has athritis and facial pain and it can make her feel shakey.
I found that just before I came on my period and I could feel the start of the pain coming on I would have that internal shaking.
It does feel odd, like an internal shiver. Im wondering if its maybe linked to any pains such as periods or headahes for you?

24-05-10, 21:36
yes im glad ive found it my doctor told me to try this site has it might help and hopefully it does has most days i have anxiety

24-05-10, 21:39
I do have a headaches, mainly tension and it just feels like an intense pressure, but i have an implant so i dont have periods so no period pains. It just seems to come and go, sometimes it can last all day and night, others just an hour or maybe even less! I just dont know what to do, everytime i tell my gp i want further tests he says there are no tests he can do, I did see a neurologist a while ago and he said it was anxiety and didnt run any further test either. Just feel like im at a loose end.

24-05-10, 21:47
do you get internal shakes too annmarie? how long do yours last for?

24-05-10, 21:51
I get those horrible shakes now and then as well. Sometimes really cold with them too. They seem to come out of the blue . I understand how awful they make you feel.

24-05-10, 22:07
yh my body shakes my head spins like im gonna pass out and i feel like im on a diffren t planet my heart beats fast and when i get them they last for hours thats what scares me i cant concentrate on anythink i thought anxiety only lasted for 10mins but mine last hours doctor keeps telling me believe in my self but its hard been reffred to councilor but not doing owt

24-05-10, 22:19
Dear Tquila if all your medical tests have come back as normal then it looks as if you are suffering from panic and anxiety. If you over breathe or breathe shallow then you will experience thed light headed feeling that you describe. Anxiety can also bring on the depersonalisation as well. It is all very normal in an anxiety state. If you can start practicing a relaxation cd every day and use other techniques to slow down your breathing so that you feel less afraid. Taking a big breath in and counting to three and then letting it out slowly can help the internal shakes. You could also try distraction ie focusing on an activity that you really enjoy such as along walk or doing some baking and listening to music (my favourites) I hope that you begin to feel better soon.

25-05-10, 06:11
Hey there. Welcome to a good place. You are NOT ALONE

27-05-10, 13:39
hi i am suffering too u r not alone hun i have wierd leg feelings like they r not there and breathlessness and worry about everything getting married in 8 weeks and so happy so dont understand why its back

27-05-10, 15:50
I get a similar symptom occassionaly...like the shake is INSIDE my head. It's very disconcerting and very difficult to describe, but it's very real to me and scary.